Go bot that publishes any new intigriti submission titles to Slack.
This is a fork of https://github.com/hazcod/intigriti-slack-announce
- Publishes reports as soon as they hit the triage queue
- State is removed from the config file
list, no way to persist the file in k8s pods between deployments. - Will only publish reports with
after application start up, all posted reports kept in-memory.
- Download the latest isa release.
- Create a Slack app, create a Slack incoming Webhook and add
permissions. - Retrieve your intigriti API token and pass your (external) IP address for whitelisting.
- Create your configuration file:
# how often to check in minutes
check_interval_minutes: 15
# your slack webhook
slack_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
# your intigriti API credentials
intigriti_client_id: "XXXXXXXXXXX"
intigriti_client_secret: "XXXXXXXXXXX"
- Run
(preferably as a service) with arguments:
./isa -conf=my-conf.yaml
- See new intigriti findings roll in on your Slack channel. Any findings already sent to your Slack channel will be added to your YAML configuration file for portability.
This requires make
and go
to be installed.
Just run make
The Slack BlockKit Builder can be used to replace slack/message.go.