Keywords: Python, TensorFlow, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Deep Q-learning, Deep Q Networks
- Installation
- Introduction
2.1 Goal
2.2 Results - Project structure
- Environments
- Project usage
5.1 Train a DQN agent to play SpaceInvaders via Reinforcement Learning
5.2 Test the training DQN agent to play SpaceInvaders via Reinforcement Learning - Todo
- Resources
This project was designed for:
- Python 3.6
- TensorFlow 1.12.0
Please install requirements & project:
$ cd /path/to/project/
$ git clone
$ cd deep_q_learning/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -e . --user --upgrade
The purpose of this project is to design and implement Deep Q-learning algorithms such as Deep Q Networks (DQN) or Double Deep Q Networks (DDQN) to play games (e.g Atari games) with Reinforcement Learning.
The global outline for a DQN algorithm is the following:
This section shows qualitative results for the initial random DQN agent (on the left), and the DQN agent during training, after approximately 5000 episodes (on the right).
The project deep_q_learning/
has the following structure:
: pre-processing, Q-value & target network estimators, DQN agentdqn/training/
: online trainingdqn/inference/
: AI playing
The project supports the OpenAI Gym only for now. More games shall be added in the future.
$ cd /path/to/project/deep_q_learning/dqn/
$ python3 training/
$ python3 inference/
- Finish remodeling
- Full training on Google colab
- Add inference scripts
- Add recordings
- Add quantitative results
- Add DDQN model
This project was widely inspired by:
- Reinforcement Learning tutorials, Denny Britz, Github
- Reinforcement Learning tutorials, Woongwon, Youngmoo, Hyeokreal, Uiryeong, Keon, Github
- CS 285 (UC Berkeley) - Deep Reinforcement Learning, Sergey Levine, Course page
- Personal Reinforcement Learning notes, Filippo Giruzzi, Github
- Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, Mnih et al., 2013, Arxiv
- Deep Reinforcement Learning to play Space Invaders, Deshai, Banerjee, Project report