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Aug 26, 2017
Aug 17, 2017
Aug 25, 2017
Aug 16, 2017

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Emoji Mart is a Slack-like customizable
emoji picker component for React
Demo β€’ Changelog

Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
Brought to you by the Missive team


To be more specific, this is Figma's private forked copy of the emoji-mart repo. It is used by the figma/figma repo for emoji picking.

To update this code, make changes to the tip of the figma-release-1 branch. Then run npm run clean && npm run build, commit the results, and push the branch to origin. This puts the javascript build artifact itself in our git repo at the tip of that branch. Then go to the web/ directory in figma/figma and update the pinned hash to whatever the resulting commit hash is and commit that; the yarn install process will then update the emojimart package to the build artifacts at that git hash.

You can do this with arbitrary hashes, but if you're not doing it at the tip of figma-release-1, you probably want to backport those changes. It is useful to have a history of all the changes we've made to the repo in one place, so continuing to use that branch is useful.



import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

<Picker set='emojione' />
<Picker onClick={this.addEmoji} />
<Picker title='Pick your emoji…' emoji='point_up' />
<Picker style={{ position: 'absolute', bottom: '20px', right: '20px' }} />
<Picker i18n={{ search: 'Recherche', categories: { search: 'RΓ©sultats de recherche', recent: 'RΓ©cents' } }} />
Prop Required Default Description
autoFocus false Auto focus the search input when mounted
color #ae65c5 The top bar anchors select and hover color
emoji department_store The emoji shown when no emojis are hovered, set to an empty string to show nothing
include [] Only load included categories. Accepts I18n categories keys. Order will be respected, except for the recent category which will always be the first.
exclude [] Don't load excluded categories. Accepts I18n categories keys.
custom [] Custom emojis
emojiSize 24 The emoji width and height
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}
perLine 9 Number of emojis per line. While there’s no minimum or maximum, this will affect the picker’s width. This will set Frequently Used length as well (perLine * 4)
i18n {…} An object containing localized strings
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter', 'emojione', 'messenger', 'facebook'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => …) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
emojisToShowFilter ((emoji) => true) A Fn to choose whether an emoji should be displayed or not
skin 1 Default skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
style Inline styles applied to the root element. Useful for positioning
title Emoji Martβ„’ The title shown when no emojis are hovered


search: 'Search',
notfound: 'No Emoji Found',
categories: {
  search: 'Search Results',
  recent: 'Frequently Used',
  people: 'Smileys & People',
  nature: 'Animals & Nature',
  foods: 'Food & Drink',
  activity: 'Activity',
  places: 'Travel & Places',
  objects: 'Objects',
  symbols: 'Symbols',
  flags: 'Flags',
  custom: 'Custom',

Sheet sizes

Sheets are served from unpkg, a global CDN that serves files published to npm.

Set sheetSize Size
apple 16 938.7 kB
apple 20 1.3 MB
apple 32 2.6 MB
apple 64 7.2 MB
emojione 16 805.5 kB
emojione 20 1.1 MB
emojione 32 2.0 MB
emojione 64 2.7 MB
google 16 622.6 kB
google 20 849.8 kB
google 32 1.6 MB
google 64 3.6 MB
twitter 16 776.0 kB
twitter 20 1.0 MB
twitter 32 1.9 MB
twitter 64 4.2 MB

Examples of emoji object:

  id: 'smiley',
  name: 'Smiling Face with Open Mouth',
  colons: ':smiley:',
  text: ':)',
  emoticons: [
  skin: null,
  native: 'πŸ˜ƒ'

  id: 'santa',
  name: 'Father Christmas',
  colons: ':santa::skin-tone-3:',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  skin: 3,
  native: 'πŸŽ…πŸΌ'

  id: 'octocat',
  name: 'Octocat',
  colons: ':octocat',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  custom: true,
  imageUrl: ''


import { Emoji } from 'emoji-mart'

<Emoji emoji={{ id: 'santa', skin: 3 }} />
<Emoji emoji=':santa::skin-tone-3:' />
<Emoji emoji='santa' set='emojione' />
Prop Required Default Description
emoji βœ“ Either a string or an emoji object
size βœ“ The emoji width and height.
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onLeave Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onOver Params: (emoji, event) => {}
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter', 'emojione'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => `${set}_${sheetSize}.png`) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
skin 1 Skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Custom emojis

You can provide custom emojis which will show up in their own category.

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

const customEmojis = [
    name: 'Octocat',
    short_names: ['octocat'],
    text: '',
    emoticons: [],
    keywords: ['github'],
    imageUrl: ''

<Picker custom={customEmojis} />

Headless search

The Picker doesn’t have to be mounted for you to take advantage of the advanced search results.

import { emojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart''christmas').map((o) => o.native)
// => [πŸŽ„, πŸŽ…πŸΌ, πŸ””, 🎁, ⛄️, ❄️]


Powerful search

Short name, name and keywords

Not only does Emoji Mart return more results than most emoji picker, they’re more accurate and sorted by relevance.



The only emoji picker that returns emojis when searching for emoticons.


Results intersection

For better results, Emoji Mart split search into words and only returns results matching both terms.


Fully customizable

Anchors color, title and default emoji


Emojis sizes and length


Default skin color

As the developer, you have control over which skin color is used by default.


It can however be overwritten as per user preference.


Multiple sets supported

Apple / Google / Twitter / EmojiOne / Messenger / Facebook


Not opinionated

Emoji Mart doesn’t automatically insert anything into a text input, nor does it show or hide itself. It simply returns an emoji object. It’s up to the developer to mount/unmount (it’s fast!) and position the picker. You can use the returned object as props for the EmojiMart.Emoji component. You could also use emoji.colons to insert text into a textarea or emoji.native to use the emoji.


$ yarn run build:data
$ yarn start
$ open example/index.html

🎩 Hat tips!

Powered by iamcal/emoji-data and inspired by iamcal/js-emoji.
πŸ™ŒπŸΌ  Cal Henderson.

Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
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