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2023-2 MeasureSoftGram Frontend

Frontend repository of MeasureSoftGram application.


Code Smells Maintainability Rating Security Rating Bugs Vulnerabilities Duplicated Lines (%) Reliability Rating Quality Gate Status Technical Debt Coverage Lines of Code codecov



Install nvm

Close the terminal and run the following command:

  • command -v nvm

It should print 'nvm' if the installation was successful.

Install node with nvm

  • nvm install v16.13.1

Install yarn

  • npm install --global yarn

It should print the version of yarn if the installation was successful.


Copy environment variables

Local or Development

  • cp .envs/.env.local .env
  • cp .envs/.env.development .env

Start project local

  • yarn dev

The project will run on http://localhost:3000

Run ESLint

  • yarn lint