itemListComposer is a jQuery plugin for composing ordered list of items from pre-defined full item list
Just call itemListComposer method on jQery object of proper markup. Like that:
itemListComposer method can accept settings objects as an argument. Like that:
key: value
Possible options, passed as comma-separated list of key: value
itemSource: ".source"
Selector for list of all existing options (can be not full on initialization).
itemReceiver: ".receiver"
Selector for list of selected options (can be not empty on initialization).
itemReceiverOrderable: true
If true, user would be able to order list of selected items manually.
item: 'li'
Selector for single option in both itemSource and itemReceiver.
selectItem: '.select'
Selector for button, that moves selected items from itemSource to itemReceiver.
selectAllItems: '.select-all'
Selector for button, that moves all items from itemSource to itemReceiver.
deselectItem: '.deselect'
Selector for button, that moves selected items from itemReceiver to itemSource.
deselectAllItems: '.deselect-all'
Selector for button, that moves all items from itemReceiver to itemSource.
shiftUpButton: '.order-up'
Selector for button, that moves selected items in itemReceiver up in order.
shiftDownButton: '.order-down'
Selector for button, that moves selected items in itemReceiver down in order.
acceptorTemplate: '#acceptor'
Selector for template of element, that represents a place where drag-n-dropped item will be placed.
acceptorClass: 'acceptor'
Selector for acceptor element, that represents a place where drag-n-dropped item will be placed.
selectedClass: 'selected'
Class, that selected elements will have.
draggedClass: 'dragged'
Class, that dragged elements will have.
droppableClass: 'droppable'
Class, that container receiving dragged elements will have.
Callbacks are passed as options. Existing callbacks:
onSelect: function (items) {}
Function, called when any item is moved to itemReceiver.
onDeselect: function () {}
Function, called when any item is moved to itemSource.
- User can select/deselect range of items holding SHIFT