Webhooks to make me more productive. For use with IFTTT.
Secrets are inserted as environment variables. You can see which secrets are needed by looking in vercel.json. Put local secrets in a .env file. If you have access to LastPass and the lpass CLI installed, you can use make_env.sh to make the .env file.
To work on the application, you will need the dependencies. Make a new
virtualenv for this project before running the below commands because pip-sync
will remove unneeded dependencies.
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip-sync dev-requirements.txt requirements.txt
Install frontend dependencies with npm ci
Run npm run dev
to start the frontend, and flask --app api.index --debug
a different shell to start the backend. You can now use the local version at
Vercel can make a separate Lambda for every file in the api directory, but this project uses a single Flask app in api/index.py imported from the fructify package.
Run tests with tox
. Lint code with flake8
. Format code with black .
Think carefully before adding new dependencies, and only consider well used packages. Dependencies introduce risk and need to be kept up to date. If you add application dependencies, add them to setup.py and follow the instructions inside requirements.txt to update it. If you add a development dependency, add it to dev-requirements.in and follow the instructions inside dev-requirements.txt to update it. Use ~= notation to define the major and minimum minor versions and let pip-tools decide a patch version.
Talk to the maintainer before making a pull request to make sure what you are adding is wanted. The build will check tests, linting, formatting, and dependencies. Consider running these yourself before making a pull request.
This project uses the Apache License 2.0. You will be credited in the git history, but for ease of maintenance copyright stays with the maintainer.
Frucitify is deployed to Vercel, every merge to master is deployed to https://fructify.app, and each PR has preview.