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Upcoming Movie Info Module for MagicMirror2




  1. Clone this repo into ~/MagicMirror/modules directory.

  2. Get a free api_key here

  3. Configure your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js:

        module: 'MMM-MovieInfo',
        position: 'top_right',
        config: {
  4. Run command npm install --productive in ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-MovieInfo directory.

Config Options

Option Default Description
api_key false Get a free api_key here.
discover check below for examples Check the docs for more Info.
updateInterval 10800000 (3 hours) How often new data should be fetched. (Changes only once per day).
rotateInterval 180000 (3 mins) How fast should be rotated between movies.
genre true Display genres of movies.
rating true Display rating of movies.
plot true Display plot of movies.
useLanguage false Use language from config instead of default english. WARNING: This can have missing data from api.

Discover Configuration Examples

Place the discover object in your config.

What movies are in theatres?

discover: {
    "primary_release_date.gte": "now",  //now
    "primary_release_date.lte": "month" //day, week, month, quarter or year

You can also explicitly set the date

discover: {
    "primary_release_date.gte": "2017-02-16",
    "primary_release_date.lte": "2017-03-16"

What are the most popular movies?

discover: {
    "sort_by": "popularity.desc"

What are the highest rated movies rated R?

discover: {
    "certification_country": "US",
    "certification": "R",
    "sort_by": "vote_average.desc"

What are the most popular kids movies?

discover: {
    "certification_country": "US",
    "certification.lte": "G",
    "sort_by": "popularity.desc"

What is are the best movies from 2010?

discover: {
    "primary_release_year": "2010",
    "sort_by": "vote_average.desc"

What are the highest rated science fiction movies that Tom Cruise has been in?

discover: {
    "with_genres": "878",
    "with_cast": "500",
    "sort_by": "vote_average.desc"

What are the Will Ferrell's highest grossing comedies?

discover: {
    "with_genres": "35",
    "with_cast": "23659",
    "sort_by": "revenue.desc"

Have Brad Pitt and Edward Norton ever been in a movie together?

discover: {
    "with_people": "287,819",
    "sort_by": "vote_average.desc"

Has David Fincher ever worked with Rooney Mara?

discover: {
    "with_people": "108916,7467",
    "sort_by": "popularity.desc"

What are the best drama's?

discover: {
    "with_genres": "18",
    "sort_by": "vote_average.desc",
    "vote_count.gte": "10"

What are Liam Neeson's highest grossing rated 'R' movies?

discover: {
    "certification_country": "US",
    "certification": "R",
    "sort_by": "revenue.desc",
    "with_cast": "3896"


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