PHP 7.2+
git clone .
Download the zip file @
After downloading it
composer install
To run all the tests
./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests
Starting server
php -S localhost:8001
and access on your browser http://localhost:8001
This library provides an api to insert roles and users in a hierarchical way
and makes it possible to retrieve a user's subordinates based on roles
$roles = [
'Id' => 1,
'Name' => 'System Administrator',
'Parent' => 0
'Id' => 2,
'Name' => 'Location Manager',
'Parent' => 1,
'Id' => 3,
'Name' => 'Supervisor',
'Parent' => 2,
'Id' => 4,
'Name' => 'Employee',
'Parent' => 3,
'Id' => 5,
'Name' => 'Trainer',
'Parent' => 3,
$users = [
'Id' => 1,
'Name' => 'Adam Admin',
'Role' => 1
'Id' => 2,
'Name' => 'Emily Employee',
'Role' => 4
'Id' => 3,
'Name' => 'Sam Supervisor',
'Role' => 3
'Id' => 4,
'Name' => 'Mary Manager',
'Role' => 2,
'Id' => 5,
'Name' => 'Steve Trainer',
'Role' => 5
// Add Roles
$roleRepository = new RoleRepository(new RoleCollection);
// Add Users
$userRepository = new UserRepository(new UserCollection);
# Using adaptor 1:
$tree = new RecursiveTreeAdaptor($roleRepository->getAll());
$subordinates = $userRepository->getSubOrdinates($tree, 1)->toJson();
# Using adaptor for external package
$tree = new ExternalPackageAdaptor($roleRepository->getAll());
$subordinates = $userRepository->getSubOrdinates($tree, 5)->toJson();
# Output
[{"Id":2,"Name":"Emily Employee","Role":4},{"Id":3,"Name":"Sam Supervisor","Role":3},{"Id":4,"Name":"Mary Manager","Role":2},{"Id":5,"Name":"Steve Trainer","Role":5}]
# Output 2
Decided not to use any framework...
1 - Created a repository layer to retrieve data from in memory collection
2 - Always coding against an interface so we could switch the implementation coding another adaptor
3 - I created 2 adaptors inside src\Service to demonstrate how we would do that.. one with my own algorithm and one using an external package
4 - I created a decorator class to illustrate how to handle output and it's not user class responsibility to convert it to json
5 - The methodology used was TDD - I started coding with tests... The code repo is 100% covered by unit tests as you can see on the following image
1 - Have a service container to handle dependency injections
2 - Have a proper persistent layer and a database to store data.. Right now data is handled in memory
3 - Have entities with explicit properties and setter/getter() methods
4 - Improve the tree mechanism
5 - Add a validation layer to integrate with save methods
6 - Have endpoints to interact with the service such as
POST /roles
POST /users
GET /users
GET /users/id
GET /users/id/subordinates