Library to create a https server for Linux.
To compile rawhttps to a static library, run Makefile
. The static library will be available in bin/rawhttps.a
To use the library, link rawhttps.a
to your project and include rawhttps.h
in your source files.
The goal of rawhttp is to be extremely simple and easy to use. To open a server, you will always:
Call rawhttps_server_init to initialize a rawhttps_server struct.
Implement a callback function for each handle you want to register.
Call rawhttps_server_register_handle for each handle you decided to register.
Call rawhttps_server_listen to start listening.
For a more serious implementation, call rawhttps_server_destroy to stop the server and release resources.
To avoid duplicate documentation, all functions are documented directly in rawhttps.h
. However, one can understand the library completely just by looking at the code snippets showed this document.
#include "rawhttps.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
rawhttps_server server;
void root_handle(const void* connection, const rawhttps_request* request, rawhttps_response* response)
// Just for fun, we check if we received the header Secret-Header:Secret-Value
char secret_header[] = "Secret-Header";
char secret_header_expected_value[] = "Secret-Value";
const rawhttps_header_value* secret_header_value = rawhttps_header_get(&request->header, secret_header, sizeof(secret_header) - 1);
if (secret_header_value != NULL && sizeof(secret_header_expected_value) - 1 == secret_header_value->value_size && !strncmp(secret_header_value->value, secret_header_expected_value, sizeof(secret_header_expected_value) - 1))
// If we received this header, we send this secret response
char buf[] = "<h1>You used the secret header!</h1>";
response->response_content = buf;
response->response_content_size = sizeof(buf) - 1;
// And also set a secret response header
char secret_response_header[] = "Secret-Response-Header";
char secret_response_header_value[] = "Secret-Value";
rawhttps_response_add_header(response, secret_response_header, sizeof(secret_response_header) - 1, secret_response_header_value, sizeof(secret_response_header_value) - 1);
response->status_code = 200;
rawhttps_response_flush(connection, response);
// If the secret header was not sent, we send the default response.
char buf[] = "<h1>Welcome to rawhttps server!</h1>";
response->response_content = buf;
response->response_content_size = sizeof(buf) - 1;
response->status_code = 200;
rawhttps_response_flush(connection, response);
void foo_handle(const void* connection, const rawhttps_request* request, rawhttps_response* response)
char buf[] = "<h1>FOO!</h1>";
response->response_content = buf;
response->response_content_size = sizeof(buf) - 1;
response->status_code = 200;
rawhttps_response_flush(connection, response);
void foo2_handle(const void* connection, const rawhttps_request* request, rawhttps_response* response)
char buf[] = "<h1>FOO2!</h1>";
response->response_content = buf;
response->response_content_size = sizeof(buf) - 1;
response->status_code = 200;
rawhttps_response_flush(connection, response);
void close_server(int signum)
// Stops the server and releases resources
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 3)
printf("Usage: %s <certificate_path> <private_key_path>\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
signal(SIGINT, close_server);
rawhttps_server_init(&server, 8080, argv[1], argv[2]);
// Register a handle for pattern '/'. This will basically receive all requests
// that doesn't have a "more specific" handler assigned.
rawhttps_server_register_handle(&server, "/", sizeof("/") - 1, root_handle);
// Register a handle for pattern '/foo/'. This will receive all requests
// which URI has the format /foo/*. (example: /foo/ , /foo/bar , /foo/bar/daz)
rawhttps_server_register_handle(&server, "/foo/", sizeof("/foo/") - 1, foo_handle);
// Register a handle for the specific URI '/foo2'. This will receive only requests
// with this specific URI. This happens because it doesn't end with a slash.
rawhttps_server_register_handle(&server, "/foo2", sizeof("/foo2") - 1, foo2_handle);
// In this example,
// '/', '/a', '/foo', '/foo2/' and '/foo2/bar' are all redirected to handle 1
// '/foo/', '/foo/a', '/foo/a/b/' are all redirected to handle 2
// only '/foo2' is redirected to handle 3
// Starts the server. This blocks!
return 0;
To compile:
$ gcc example.c rawhttps.a -o example -lpthread
To run:
$ ./example ./certificate.pem ./key.pem
- Modify code to support HTTP keep-alive
- Implement session-id
- Implement compression methods
- Implement extensions
- Support for DH ciphers
- Support certificate chain
- Use scheduler instead of one thread per connection
- Stop running threads in rawhttps_server_destroy