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A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go.


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This branch is 49 commits behind jorgerojas26/lazysql:main.

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A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Features
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. Commands
  6. Keybindings
  7. Roadmap
  8. Contributing
  9. License
  10. Contact
  11. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot Product Name Screen Shot

This project is heavily inspired by Lazygit, which I think is the best TUI client for Git.

I wanted to have a tool like that, but for SQL. I didn't find one that fits my needs, so I created one myself.

I live in the terminal, so if you are like me, this tool can become handy for you too.

This is my first Open Source project, also, this is my first Go project. I am not a brilliant programmer. I am just a typical JavaScript developer that wanted to learn a new language, I also wanted a TUI SQL Client, so blanca y en botella, leche! (white and bottled).

This project is in ALPHA stage, please feel free to complain about my spaghetti code.

I use Lazysql daily in my full-time job as a full-stack javascript developer in its current (buggy xD) state. So, the plan is to improve and fix my little boy as a side-project in my free time.

Built With

Golang Golang


  • Cross-platform (macOS, Windows, Linux)
  • Vim Keybindings
  • Can manage multiple connections (Backspace)
  • Tabs
  • SQL Editor (CTRL + e)

Getting Started



brew tap jorgerojas26/lazysql
brew install lazysql

Install with go package manager

go install

Binary Releases

For Windows, macOS or Linux, you can download a binary release here

Third party (maintained by the community)

Arch Linux users can install it from the AUR with:

paru -S lazysql


yay -S lazysql

or install it manual with:

git clone
cd lazysql
makepkg -si

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If the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is set, the configuration file will be located at:

  • ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/lazysql/config.toml

If not, the configuration file will be located at:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\lazysql\config.toml
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/lazysql/config.toml
  • Linux: ~/.config/lazysql/config.toml

The configuration file is a TOML file and can be used to define multiple connections.

Example configuration

Name = 'Production database'
Provider = 'postgres'
DBName = 'foo'
URL = 'postgres://postgres:urlencodedpassword@localhost:${port}/foo'
Commands = [
  { Command = 'ssh -tt remote-bastion -L ${port}:localhost:5432', WaitForPort = '${port}' }
Name = 'Development database'
Provider = 'postgres'
DBName = 'foo'
URL = 'postgres://postgres:urlencodedpassword@localhost:5432/foo'
DefaultPageSize = 300
DisableSidebar = false

The [aplication] section is used to define some app settings. Not all settings are available yet, this is a work in progress.


For a list of keyboard shortcuts press ?

Open the TUI with:

$ lazysql

To launch lazysql with the ability to pick from the saved connections.

$ lazysql [connection_url]

To launch lazysql and connect to database at [connection_url].

Connect to a DB

  1. Start lazysql
  2. Create a new connection (press n)
  3. Provide a name for the connection as well as the URL to connect to (see example connection URL)
  4. Connect to the DB (press <Enter>)

If you already have a connection set up:

  1. Start lazysql
  2. Select the right connection (press j and h for navigation)
  3. Connect to the DB (press c or <Enter>)

Create a table

There is currently no way to create a table from the TUI. However you can run the query to create the table as a SQL-Query, inside the SQL Editor.

You can update the tree by pressing R, so you can see your newly created table.

Execute SQL querys

  1. Press <Ctrl+E> to open the built-in SQL Editor
  2. Write the SQL query
  3. Press <Ctrl+R> to execute the SQL query

To switch back to the table-tree press H

After executing a SELECT-query a table will be displayed under the SQL-Editor with the query-result.
To switch focus back to SQL-Editor press /

Open/view a table

  1. Expand the table-tree by pressing e or <Enter>
  2. Select the table you want to view
    • next node j
    • previous node k
    • last node G
    • first node g
  3. Press <Enter> to open the table

To switch back to the table-tree press H
To switch back to the table press L

Filter rows

  1. Open a table
  2. Press / to focus the filter input
  3. Write a WHERE-clause to filter the table
  4. Press <Enter> to submit your filter

To remove the filter, focuse the filter input (press /) and press <Esc>.

Insert a row

  1. Open a table
  2. Press 1 to switch to the record tab
  3. Press o to insert a new row
  4. Fill out all columns
  5. Press <Ctrl+S> to save the changes

Edit a column

  1. Open a table
  2. Press 1 to switch to the record tab
  3. Move to the column you want to edit
  4. Press c to edit, Press <Enter> to submit
  5. Press <Ctrl+S> to save the changes

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  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB

Support for multiple RDBMS is a work in progress.


In some cases, mostly when connecting to remote databases, it might be necessary to run a custom command before being able to connect to the database. For example when you can only access the database through a remote bastion, you would probably first need to open an SSH tunnel by running the following command in a separate terminal:

ssh remote-bastion -L 5432:localhost:5432

In order to make it easier to run these commands, lazysql supports running custom commands before connecting to the database. You can define these commands in the configuration file like this:

Name = 'server'
Provider = 'postgres'
DBName = 'foo'
URL = 'postgres://postgres:password@localhost:${port}/foo'
Commands = [
  { Command = 'ssh -tt remote-bastion -L ${port}:localhost:5432', WaitForPort = '${port}' }

The Command field is required and can contain any command that you would normally run in your terminal. The WaitForPort field is optional and can be used to wait for a specific port to be open before continuing.

When you define the ${port} variable in the URL field, lazysql will automatically replace it with a random free port number. This port number will then be used in the connection URL and is available in the Commands field so that you can use it to configure the command.

You can even chain commands to, for example, connect to a remote server and then to a postgres container running in a remote k8s cluster:

Name = 'container'
Provider = 'postgres'
DBName = 'foo'
URL = 'postgres://postgres:password@localhost:${port}/foo'
Commands = [
  { Command = 'ssh -tt remote-bastion -L 6443:localhost:6443', WaitForPort = '6443' },
  { Command = 'kubectl port-forward service/postgres ${port}:5432 --kubeconfig /path/to/kube.conf', WaitForPort = '${port}' }



Key Action
q Quit
CTRL + e Open SQL editor
Backspace Return to connection selection
? Show keybindings popup


Key Action
c Edit table cell
d Delete row
o Add row
/ Focus the filter input or SQL editor
CTRL + s Commit changes
> Next page
< Previous page
K Sort ASC
H Focus tree panel
[ Focus previous tab
] Focus next tab
X Close current tab
R Refresh the current table


Key Action
L Focus table panel
G Focus last database tree node
g Focus first database tree node

SQL Editor

Key Action
CTRL + R Run the SQL statement
CTRL + Space Open external editor (Linux only)

Specific editor for lazysql can be set by $SQL_EDITOR.

Specific terminal for opening editor can be set by $SQL_TERMINAL

Example connection URLs



  • Support for NoSQL databases
  • Columns and indexes creation through TUI
  • Table tree input filter
  • Custom keybindings
  • Show keybindings on a modal
  • Rewrite row create, update and delete logic

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Clipboard support

We use atotto/clipboard to copy to clipboard.


  • OSX
  • Windows 7 (probably work on other Windows)
  • Linux, Unix (requires 'xclip' or 'xsel' command to be installed)


Contributions, issues, and pull requests are welcome!

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Jorge Rojas - LinkedIn -

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A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go.







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  • Go 100.0%