Feast v0.12.0
Today we are releasing Feast 0.12, which includes 2 new major features:
- A new AWS provider which uses DynamoDB for the online store and Redshift for the offline store.
- A concept of FeatureService, that represents a logical group of features from one or more feature views.
👥 Contributors
Thanks to @achals, @adchia, @charliec443, @codyjlin, @DvirDukhan, @felixwang9817, @GregKuhlmann, @MattDelac, @mavysavydav, @Mwad22, @nels, @potatochip, @szalai1, @tedhtchang and @tsotnet for the contributions!
💥 Breaking changes:
- Set default feature naming to not include feature view name. Add option to include feature view name in feature naming. #1641 (Mwad22)
✨ New Features:
- AWS Template improvements (input prompt for configs, default to Redshift) #1731 (tsotnet)
- Clean up uploaded entities in Redshift offline store #1730 (tsotnet)
- Implement Redshift historical retrieval #1720 (tsotnet)
- Add custom data sources #1713 (achals)
- Added --skip-source-validation flag to feast apply #1702 (mavysavydav)
- Allow specifying FeatureServices in FeatureStore methods #1691 (achals)
- Implement materialization for RedshiftOfflineStore & RedshiftRetrievalJob #1680 (tsotnet)
- Add FeatureService proto definition #1676 (achals)
- Add RedshiftDataSource #1669 (tsotnet)
- Add streaming sources to the FeatureView API #1664 (achals)
- Add to_table() to RetrievalJob object #1663 (MattDelac)
- Provide the user with more options for setting the to_bigquery config #1661 (codyjlin)
🔴 Fixed bugs:
- Fix
feast apply
bugs #1754 (tsotnet) - Teardown integration tests resources for aws #1740 (achals)
- Fix GCS version #1732 (potatochip)
- Fix unit test warnings related to file_url #1726 (tedhtchang)
- Refactor data source classes to fix import issues #1723 (achals)
- Append ns time and random integer to redshift test tables #1716 (achals)
- Add randomness to bigquery table name #1711 (felixwang9817)
- Fix dry_run bug that was making to_bigquery hang indefinitely #1706 (codyjlin)
- Stringify WhichOneof to make mypy happy #1705 (achals)
- Update redis options parsing #1704 (DvirDukhan)
- Cancel BigQuery job if block_until_done call times out or is interrupted #1699 (codyjlin)
- Teardown infrastructure after integration tests #1697 (achals)
- Fix unit tests that got broken by Pandas 1.3.0 release #1683 (tsotnet)
- Remove default list from the FeatureView constructor #1679 (achals)
- BQ exception should be raised first before we check the timedout #1675 (MattDelac)
- Allow strings for online/offline store instead of dicts #1673 (achals)
- Cancel BigQuery job if timeout hits #1672 (MattDelac)
- Make sure FeatureViews with same name can not be applied at the same … #1651 (tedhtchang)
🔨 Merged pull requests:
- Add AWS docs in summary.md #1761 (tsotnet)
- Document permissions for AWS (DynamoDB & Redshift) #1753 (tsotnet)
- Adding small note for project naming convention #1752 (codyjlin)
- Fix warning in FeatureView.from_proto #1751 (tsotnet)
- Add Feature Service to the concepts group #1750 (achals)
- Docstring tests #1749 (felixwang9817)
- Document how pandas deals with missing values #1748 (achals)
- Restore feature refs #1746 (felixwang9817)
- Updating CLI apply to use FeatureStore #1745 (adchia)
- Delete old code #1743 (felixwang9817)
- Bump dependency on pyyaml #1742 (achals)
- Docstrings #1739 (felixwang9817)
- Add the foundation of the universal feature repo and a test that uses it #1734 (achals)
- Add AWS documentation (DynamoDB, Redshift) #1733 (tsotnet)
- Change internal references from input to batch_source #1729 (felixwang9817)
- Refactor tests into new directory layout #1725 (achals)
- Registry teardown #1718 (felixwang9817)
- Redirect telemetry to usage #1717 (felixwang9817)
- Link to offline and online store specs in docs summary #1715 (achals)
- Avoid skewed join between entity_df & feature views #1712 (MattDelac)
- Remove type comments #1710 (achals)
- Increase efficiency of Registry updates #1698 (felixwang9817)
- Parallelize integration tests #1684 (tsotnet)
- Remove debug logging #1678 (charliec443)
- Docs: Fix Feature References example #1674 (GregKuhlmann)
- Rename to_table to to_arrow #1671 (MattDelac)
- Small reference documentation update #1668 (nels)
- Grouped inferencing statements together in apply methods for easier readability #1667 (mavysavydav)
- Infer min and max timestamps from entity_df to limit data read from BQ source #1665 (Mwad22)
- Rename telemetry to usage #1660 (tsotnet)
- Update charts README #1659 (szalai1)