Mini-project to evaluate capabilities in tensorflow and ROS for applicants at farming revolution GmbH
The objective of this mini-project is to evaluate an applicant's
- capacity to use
- basic understanding of
- basic programming skills in
- capability to use
- ability to write proper documentation
- Install
. - Recommended: Beginner Level tutorials 1-7 and 12 of ROS: link to ROS tutorials.
- Recommended: Customization basics: tensors and operations tutorial for tensorflow: link to tutorial. Depending on your background, starting with an additional beginners tutorial might help as well.
The provided bag file contains images of plants published on the /img_bgri
topic (4-channel image, blue, green, red, near-infrared).
rosbag play mini-project.bag -l
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/img_bgri # Visualize the image
Write a python ROS
node, that uses tensorflow
to extract a basic plant mask.
Your node has to
- subscribe to
- publish to
a mask (single-channel) showing the plant pixels
Do not write something too complex: the goal is prove that you can write a simple ROS node with minimal functionality. An easy way to detect the plant pixels is to subtract the red from the near-infrared value and apply a threshold.
You have to use tensorflow to do that (even if it would be easier with an OpenCV or numpy function).
Morphological operations can be used if you want but it is not required.
Use a repository management service supporting git
(preferrably to:
- Create a private repository
- Push your code
- Add a
file describing how to install the required dependencies, what your node does an how to use it - Send us a link to the repository and give us permissions to read your code.