movies-api is a project to implement an API to access movie informations.
The project integrates a GO webserver with a Postgres DB as a data store.
make build
Replace values from file, source it and run:
make build run
make gorun
go run ./cmd/api/... -help
Usage of /tmp/go-build236066498/b001/exe/api:
-env string
Running environment (default "dev")
-port int
HTTP server port (default 8000)
make gorun ARGS="-env test","-port 4000"
$ make help
help: Show this help
gorun: Run go program, you can pass arguments using make run ARGS="-help"
pgrun: Run postgres db
lint: Run golangci-lint linter
build: Build go binary
run: Run binary, you can pass arguments using make run ARGS="-help"