This calculator enables users to perform basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It has been developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Through this project I gained experience working with OOP JavaScript and DOM manipulation.
I added an extra button 'DEL' that allows users to delete numbers that they typed in without reseting the calculator completely. Future optimizations could include adding more operations or enhancing the current basic design. Instructions for this project are included below.
- Fork and clone this repo
- Create a new branch called answer
- Checkout answer branch
- Push to your fork
- Issue a pull request
- Your pull request description should contain the following:
- (1 to 5 no 3) I completed the challenge
- (1 to 5 no 3) I feel good about my code
- Anything specific on which you want feedback!
I completed the challenge: 5
I feel good about my code: 4
I'm not sure if my constructors are setup cleanly...