###To generate data using your posts you have to:
- $ gem install bundler
- $ bundle install
- Run Jekyll with one of these commands:
$ grunt
$ rake jekyll:generate
Notice: Jekyll is running after changes when grunt started. Or you can regenerate data with rake command manually.
###Add new post with a rake task:
NOTICE: Params are not neccessary, but post date depends on date in name of file).
$ rake jekyll:task TITLE='your title' DATE='2014-10-15'
- go and edit this file in 'jekyll/_posts' folder
- go to 'jekyll/_posts' folder
- add post with title formatted so: 'yyyy-mm-dd-posttitle.markdown'
- fulfill the created file with data:
title: "Second post."
cover: "blog/covers/coverImg.jpg"
author: "Dima Guck"
ava: "blog/avatars/dimaGuck.jpg"
post: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Nothing Special."