Author: Ethan Calvin Kim
These programs created are developed while enrolled in the Computer Programming 12 course instructed by Mr. Nathan Hapke, Semiahmoo Secondary School.
For Current Students: Please do not copy this code directly for your projects. Mr.Hapke already assessed my work; plagerism is a violation of academic honesty policies.
The programs are organized into the following subdirectories and may include files with specific instructions:
- Parroter
- Console program which echos the input.
- Hangman
- Console program: Classic hangman game with additional features including a 2 player mode.
- Hello World
- A Hello World program to Java Swing. Read, process, and return strings in a textbox.
- Three FPS
- Introduction to use of threads. Count increases by 3 every second.
- Notepad
- An itteration of MS Notepad. Open, Save, Save As, and Find/Replace available. Read and write on files.
- Accord Chat
- A chatting program that sends protocols and messages to the server. Covers SocketsAndStreams, ports, ip address, and server protocols. Needs the complimentary server program to be effective.
- Simple Collections
- Explores different data structures such as linked lists, and trees. Currently only the tree data structure and linked list data structure is complete. Complimentary Tests check the accurecy of the addition, removal, traversal, and sorting of data structures.
- JGame Test
- Introduction to JGame by the 13thmonkey. Browser follows mario and a Koopa controlled by aawsd and arrow keys. Hitboxes are visualized, and collision is detected.
- Electrode the Game
- Control Electrode in this Monkey Ball knockout game using the arrow keys or the gyro, and lead him to the goal post! Don't knock him outside of the field and fall! Compatable with a Rasberry Pi Model B for motion controls as long as the complimentary program is installed. SVN was used to collaborate with others.