Based on package clrscode3e, written by Thomas H. Cormen:
Package for producing pseudocode in the style of Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Third edition.
Each pseudocode procedure is typeset within a codebox environment,
Normally, the first line within the codebox environment is a \Procedure
command (optional). The first argument is the procedure name, and the
optional second argument is a comma separated list of parameters, each
optionally with a description of the parameter (after an equal sign).
\Procedure{Dijkstra}, \Procedure{Dijkstra}{G, s}, \Procedure{Dijkstra}{G = graph, s = vertex}
To typeset a procedure in small caps, use:
\proc{Insertion-Sort}{Vec} % same as \Procedure
To typeset a constant in small caps, use:
\const{true}, \const{nil}
To typeset an identifier in italics, use:
\id{key}, \id{left-sum}
To typeset a fixed function in roman, use:
\func{sin}{x}, \func{out-degree}{} % same as \Procedure
To typeset a keyword in boldface, use:
\kw{for}, \kw{if}
To typeset an object attribute with dot syntax, use:
To typeset an array element with square brackets syntax, use:
All these commands not only use the correct font, but they also perform the important service of interpreting a dash as a hyphen, rather than as a minus sign. These commands may be used either in or out of math mode.
To typeset subarray ranges, use:
$[1 \twodots n]$
Other than the \Procedure
line, all lines begin with either \li
a numbered line) or \zi
(for an unnumbered line).
The following commands are provided for typesetting keywords and handling automatic indentation:
- Loops:
- Selection:
- Jumps:
- Multithreading:
- Comments:
- Indentation:
commands appearing in or after the first numbered line in a
codebox resolve to the number of the most recent numbered line.
This package works only if each procedure has at most 99 numbered lines of code.
\Procedure{Dijkstra}{G = graph, s = vertex}
\li \For each vertex $v \in \id{V_G}$
\li \Do
$\at{dist}{v} \gets \infty$
\li $\at{parent}{v} \gets \const{NIL}$
\li $\at{dist}{s} \gets 0$
$Q \gets \id{V_G}$
\li \While $Q \neq \emptyset$
\li \Do
$u \gets \proc{Extract-Min}{Q}$
\li \For each edge $e = (u,v)$
\li \Do
\If $\at{dist}{v} > \at{dist}{u} + \at{weight}{e}$
\li \Then
$\at{dist}{v} \gets \at{dist}{u} + \at{weight}{e}$
\li $\at{parent}{v} \gets u$
$H \gets (\id{V_G, \emptyset})$
\li \For each vertex $v \in \id{V_G},\ v \neq s$
\li \Do
$\id{E_H} \gets \id{E_H} \cup \{(\at{parent}{v}, v)\}$
\Return $H, \id{dist}$