This project is a successor (permanent fork) of the archived openapi4j project.
Kappa can be used to validate HTTP requests and responses against OpenAPI 3.1 definitions.
Under the hood ist uses the erosb/json-sKema library for JSON Schema validation.
If you want to validate the HTTP requests received by a Spring Boot service, you can do it by implementing
a simple Filter
and intercepting incoming requests against your OpenAPI descriptions.
The best way to implement OpenAPI-based input validation is doing it in a servlet filter.
public class OpenApiBackedRequestValidationFilter implements Filter {
// reading the OpenAPI description of our API
private final OpenApi3 api = new OpenApi3Parser().parse(getClass().getResource("/openapi/pets-api.yaml"), false);
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain) throws IOException {
HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) req;
HttpServletResponse httpResp = (HttpServletResponse) resp;
try {
// we need to wrap the original request instance into a MemoizingServletRequest,
// since we will need to parse the request body twice: once for the OpenAPI-validation
// and once for the jackson parsing.
// basic HttpServletRequests cannot be read twice, hence we use the
// MemoizingServletRequest shipped with Kappa
// more here:
MemoizingServletRequest memoizedReq = new MemoizingServletRequest(httpReq);
// Kappa can understand different representations of HTTP requests and responses
// here we use the Servlet API specific adapter of Kappa, to get a Kappa Request instance
// which wraps a HttpServletRequest
JakartaServletRequest jakartaRequest = JakartaServletRequest.of(memoizedReq);
// we do the validation
new RequestValidator(api).validate(jakartaRequest);
// if no request validation error was found, we proceed with the request execution
chain.doFilter(memoizedReq, httpResp);
} catch (ValidationException ex) {
// if the request validation failed, we represents the validation failures in a simple
// json response and send it back to the client
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode respObj = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
ArrayNode itemsJson = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
ex.results().forEach(item -> {
ObjectNode itemJson = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
itemJson.put("dataLocation", item.describeInstanceLocation());
itemJson.put("schemaLocation", item.describeSchemaLocation());
itemJson.put("message", item.message);
respObj.put("errors", itemsJson);
public FilterRegistrationBean<OpenApiBackedRequestValidationFilter> filterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean<OpenApiBackedRequestValidationFilter> registration = new FilterRegistrationBean<>();
registration.setFilter(new OpenApiBackedRequestValidationFilter());
return registration;
Kappa targets supporting OpenAPI 3.1. Currently it uses a draft2020-12 compliant validator for JSON Schema.
Reporting issues, making comments, ... Any help is welcome !
We accept Pull Requests via GitHub. There are some guidelines which will make applying PRs easier for us :
- Respect the code style and indentation. .editorconfig file is provided to not be worried about this.
- Create minimal diffs - disable on save actions like reformat source code or organize imports. If you feel the source code should be reformatted create a separate PR for this change.
- Provide JUnit tests for your changes and make sure your changes don't break anything by running
gradlew clean check
. - Provide a self explanatory but brief commit message with issue reference if any, as it will be reported directly for release changelog.
Kappa is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.
Release to local maven repo: ./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal
Release to maven central: ./gradlew build publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository