This code run Rubber Ducky scripts directly in cheap Atmega32u4 + microsd boards just copying to microSD as script.txt. Also works in any Arduino Leonardo (original or clone) + SD board,please keep in mind connect CS pin to digital 4 or modify this code.
WARNING: you must install [this custom version of Arduino Keyboard library]
- Click "Clone or download" -> "Download ZIP"
- Unzip downloaded file when you want to work.
- Open Arduino IDE
- Open ducky_interpreter.ino file
- Select Arduino Leonardo board
- Plug the board to your computer
- Upload the code to the board
- Rename your favorite Rubber Ducky script to script.txt at microsd card
- Insert microsd card at your board
- Hack & fun! ;)
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)
* 24/8/2017 First commit
Some functions like:
Open an issue, ask me on twitter to @ernesto_xload or visit