After installing these scripts you will arrive at a different kind of Linux Mint.
You can run any of these scripts by downloading the zip file from github. Go to the download folder and right-click to Extract here. Go inside the folder and right-click in a blank space to go to the terminal. Now your terminal is opened in this extracted folder.
Or you can use the terminal and the git command
sudo apt install git
git clone
First update/upgrade your system with mintupdate icon at bottom right.
We start the installation scripts of all the needed software via the terminal.
Do not forget to type "./" in front of the name.
These three scripts will point to some of the other scripts in the folder. So keep them together.
The best of them
Sublime Text
Numix Icons
Google Chrome
There are other scripts for applications I sometimes need but will not be installed as of yet.
Using the scripts at we can change the standard blue colour from Arc to any colour we like.
Check first at if your colour has been created already.
We can install all the created themes with this script
The version of cinnamon is important to have a nice theme or not. Linux Mint 18.3 = cinnamon version 3.6.6
cinnamon --version
Using the scripts at we can change the standard green colour from Mint-Y to any colour we like.
Check first at if your colour has been created already.
We can install all the created themes with this script
The version of cinnamon is important to have a nice theme or not. Linux Mint 18.3 = cinnamon version 3.6.6
cinnamon --version
Sardi icon collection can be downloaded at sourceforge.
20 icon themes in one.
6 different application icons and 11 kinds of folders
For ease of installation I use the script
Follow the collection on google+ :
The most recent pictures can be found there.
Sardi is meant to be changed by the users. You can use scripts to change the hexadecimal colour code in about 3 seconds.
Sardi Colora has such a colouring script.
Sardi Flat Colora has such a colouring script.
Sardi Flexible has such a colouring script.
Sardi Ghost Flexible has such a colouring script.
Sardi Mono Colora has such a colouring script.
Sardi Mono Numix Colora has such a colouring script.
Colour codes can be figured out locally with gpick or online via
103 Sardi Extra icons July 2017.
There is also a collection of Sardi Extra icons at
Easy installation with this script
More documentation on
17 different icons at July 2017.
For ease of installation I use the script
More info can be found here :
20 conky's at July 2017.
This is an exercise in writing conky configurations in lua syntax.
Easy installation can be done with this script :
Some older examples.
More information can be found here :
I like the breeze snow cursors.
100+ plank themes
Plank is installed through this script
Find plank in the menu and start it. CTRL + Right-click on the plank and choose preferences and put in on top. Standard you will have only 3 themes.
If you want to install 100+ plank themes, you need to run this script :
Surfn icons and all plank themes
Sardi icons and all plank themes
Read more on plank e.g. how to autostart plank on boot :
I like bash but I prefer zsh with lots of different themes from oh-my-zsh to spice things up. So let us install that via this script.
Remember to type this in the terminal
sudo chsh yourname -s /bin/zsh
Log off or reboot.
This is the playlist on youtube for Linux Mint 18.2 cinnamon
Content Playlist of 100+ short movies to make your desktop eye-candy. Sardi icon collection playing its part.
About 100+ short movies to completely change your desktop experience for linux. They are made on Linux Mint 18 and still apply on 18.1. Updating, kernel installation, applications installation, variety settings, firefox and google search, lastpass and xmarks, sardi icon theme, fixing icons that never change, theme installation of vertex and arc, applets, dropbox, zsh, printer, aureola conky, surfn icons, plank, personal settings of cinnamon, gimp scripts added, dropbox fix, keyboard fix for music, ...
Check out the movies by clicking here
They are about an older version of Linux Mint. You will see many things have stayed the same. No need to make them again in 18.2.
Sardi icons
Surfn icons
Aureola conky
Arc Colora
Mint-Y Colora
Plank and 100+ Plank Themes
#What can you do if the script does not execute?
Since I sometimes forget to make the script executable, I include here what you can do to solve that.
A script can only run when it is marked as an executable.
ls -al
Above code will reveal if a script has an "x". X meaning executable. Google "chmod" and "execute" and you will find more info.
For now if this happens, you should apply this code in the terminal and add the file name.
chmod +x typeyourfilename
Then you can execute it by typing
Or you can follow these steps
#But that is the fun in Linux.
You can do whatever Y O U want.