Esta utilidad te permite borrar los archivos binarios de cualquier solucion de .NET, solo debes especificar la carpeta donde se encuentra la Solucion.
Construido con .NET 6
This utility allows you to delete the binary files of any .NET solution, you just have to specfied the folder where the solution is located.
Built with .NET 6
If you use the source code:
First check if you are under the solution folder. If you need to see documentation:
dotnet run --project .\RemoveBinaries\ -- --help
Deleting binaries from a directory:
dotnet run --project .\RemoveBinaries\ -- --path {pathLocation}
If you use the terminal (cmd, PowerShell, Windows Terminal, etc.) from the compiled binaries:
To see documentation.
.\RemoveBinaries.exe --help
To delete binaries from directory
.\RemoveBinaries.exe --path {pathLocation}
Note: If your path have blank spaces, you should mark it with quotes.
Erick Orlando © 2022