Imagining Possibilities towards Net Zero
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Imagining Possibilities towards Net Zero
I call it an indicator because I believe a calculator evokes a sense of accuracy that may not be achievable. An indicator, on the other hand, shows where you currently stand in a more holistic manner and gently prompts you to make changes in your lifestyle.
Everything has been built from scratch, including the computation.
The emission data is stored in a JSON format, which makes it convenient to update the values using another script. This approach follows a modular design, which is a key principle in software development. It allows for easy maintenance and flexibility, making it simpler to manage and update the data as needed.
Each option under each question has a weight, negative values are for options that increase the footprint, sounds counter intuitive but it is easier to calculate say if the value is -0.31 , in the formula we will use (1 - (-0.31)) * originalValue which is the same as (1 + 0.31) * originalValue
The footprint is shared among the questions for each sector so that at the end, the sector emission footprint is reduced by the UAE 2050 target which is 31%. This only happens when user selects options that reduces footprint by 31% throughout.
The formula
is below:
// Update the footprint for the current sector
originalEmmissionValue = emissionData[currentSector]["Value"];
numberOfQuestions = questions[currentSector].length;
calculatedFootprintForEachSector[currentSector] += ((1 - selectedValue)/ numberOfQuestions) * originalEmmissionValue;
console.log( "Footprint for sector " + currentSector + ": " + calculatedFootprintForEachSector[currentSector]);
This is how the questions weighting look like
"Electricity and Water": [
"description": "When do you normally do your laundry?",
"options": {
"6am - 11am": 0.235,
"12pm - 6pm": -0.31,
"6pm - 11pm": 0.31
"description": "How do you dry your clothes?",
"options": {
"Tumble dryer": -0.31,
"Cloth racks": 0.31
- Chartjs -
- Database to store reviews -
- Hosting -
- html2canvas -
- jsPDF -
- Tech Stack - Nodejs, Express, NeDB
- Footprint Image :
- Unsplash - nature images used on the pledges page -
Emissions Ranking Worldometer -
Our World in Data , Co2 emissions -
Co2 emissions ( metric tons per capita ) -