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mariomerinomartinez committed Dec 9, 2017
0 parents commit 67c2641
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,032 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/+semimaxwellian/moment.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Computes the (evz,evr,evtheta) moment of the electron distribution
function at the requested points.
Trivial cases are forced to be zero. Intermediate variables are stored
as persistent variables to speed up subsequent calls with the same
solution and ipoints.
* data: structure with simulation data
* solution: current solution structure with fields h,phi,ne00p,npoints
* evz,evr,evtheta: indices of the moment to compute
* ipoints: points at which the moment will be computed. Omit or give an
empty array to compute at all points
* moment: total (evz,evr,evtheta) moment at the requested points
* moment1,moment2,moment4: moments for the free, reflected and
doubly-trapped subpoppulations
function [moment,moment1,moment2,moment4] = moment(data,solution,evz,evr,evtheta,ipoints)

%% Unpack
nintegrationpoints = data.electrons.nintegrationpoints(:);
alpha = data.electrons.alpha;

npoints = solution.npoints;
h = solution.h(:); % force column
r = solution.r(:);
phi = solution.phi(:);
ne00p = solution.ne00p;

if ~exist('ipoints','var') || isempty(ipoints)
ipoints = 1:length(solution.h);
ipoints = ipoints(:); % force column

nipoints = length(ipoints);
nE_ = sum(nintegrationpoints);

%% Allocate and zero
moment1 = ipoints.*0;
moment2 = moment1;
moment4 = moment1;
moment = moment1;

%% Trivial cases
if mod(evr,2) == 1 || mod(evtheta,2) == 1

%% Obtain integration points and weights; find limits of Pperp' (see Eq. A13)
% save for future calls with same solution and ipoints
persistent previous_solution previous_ipoints Pperp_limbwd Pperp_limfwd E_
if isempty(previous_solution) || ~isequal(previous_solution,solution) || ~isequal(previous_ipoints,ipoints)
Pperp_limbwd = zeros(nipoints,nE_); % allocate
Pperp_limfwd = Pperp_limbwd;
E_ = Pperp_limbwd;
% prepare E' integration nodes
for iipoints = 1:nipoints
i = ipoints(iipoints);
E_transition = 1.5*(phi(i)-phi(end));
if isinf(phi(end)) || E_transition <= 0
E_transition = 5;
sep = E_transition/(nintegrationpoints(1)-1); % basic separation between linspaced points
f = 1.05; % grow factor of this separation for the second segment
E_(iipoints,1:nintegrationpoints(1)) = linspace(0,E_transition,nintegrationpoints(1));
E_(iipoints,nintegrationpoints(1)+1:nE_) = E_transition + sep*(f.^[1:nintegrationpoints(2)]-1)/(f-1);
% Compute Pperp' limits
if i == npoints % the point is h = infty
for iE_ = 1:nE_
Pperp_ = (E_(iipoints,iE_) + phi - phi(i))./(h(i)^2 ./h.^2 - 1) - (r(i)^2/h(i)^4);
Pperp_limbwd(iipoints,iE_) = max(0,min(Pperp_(1:i)));
Pperp_limfwd(iipoints,iE_) = max(0,max(Pperp_(i+1:npoints)));
if i == 1 % the point is h = 1
Pperp_limbwd(iipoints,1) = Inf;
% Store values in persistent variables for future comparisons
previous_solution = solution;
previous_ipoints = ipoints;

%% Prepare Integrals
Hijk = @(Pperp_a,Pperp_b) ... % first integral in Pperp'
max(0,gamma((2+evr+evtheta)/2)*(gammainc(Pperp_b,(2+evr+evtheta)/2) - gammainc(Pperp_a,(2+evr+evtheta)/2)));
dGijk = @(E_a,E_b,Gijka,Gijkb) ... % second integral in E', assuming Gijk varies linearly in each subinterval
(gamma((1+evz)/2)*(Gijkb.*E_a-Gijka.*E_b).*(gammainc(E_b,(1+evz)/2) - gammainc(E_a,(1+evz)/2)) + ...
gamma((3+evz)/2)*(Gijka-Gijkb).*(gammainc(E_b,(3+evz)/2) - gammainc(E_a,(3+evz)/2))) ./ (E_a-E_b);

%% Integrate moment (see Eq. A10)
factor = ne00p*2^((evz+evr+evtheta)/2)* ...
gamma((1+evr)/2)*gamma((1+evtheta)/2)/gamma(1+(evr+evtheta)/2)/pi^(3/2)* ...

Hijk1 = Hijk(Pperp_limfwd,Pperp_limbwd);
dGijk1 = dGijk(E_(:,1:nE_-1),E_(:,2:nE_),Hijk1(:,1:nE_-1),Hijk1(:,2:nE_));
moment1 = factor.*(sum(dGijk1,2) + Hijk1(:,nE_).*gamma((1+evz)/2).*gammainc(E_(:,nE_),(1+evz)/2,'upper')); % adds tail to infinity, assuming Gijk1 == Gijk1(end) from the last E' value onward

if mod(evz,2) ~= 1
Hijk2 = Hijk(0,min(Pperp_limbwd,Pperp_limfwd));
dGijk2 = dGijk(E_(:,1:nE_-1),E_(:,2:nE_),Hijk2(:,1:nE_-1),Hijk2(:,2:nE_));
moment2 = 2*factor.*sum(dGijk2,2);
Hijk4 = Hijk(Pperp_limbwd,Pperp_limfwd);
dGijk4 = dGijk(E_(:,1:nE_-1),E_(:,2:nE_),Hijk4(:,1:nE_-1),Hijk4(:,2:nE_));
moment4 = 2*alpha*factor.*sum(dGijk4,2);
moment2 = moment1.*0;
moment4 = moment1.*0;
moment = moment1 + moment2 + moment4;

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/Ueff.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Effective potential for the electron axial motion in the parabolic case.
* h: effective plume radius at the axial position of the point(s)
* phiz: potential at the axis at those point(s)
* Jr, ptheta: momenta at those point(s)
* phi: potential at the requested points
function Ueff = Ueff(h,phiz,Jr,ptheta)

%% Compute Ueff
Ueff = - phiz + sqrt(2)*(Jr/pi+abs(ptheta))./h;
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/getbetar.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

This function returns betar at a point (h,r), given Jr and ptheta.
* h,r: position of the point(s)
* Jr, ptheta: momenta at those point(s)
* betar: the value of the radial angle coordinate betar at those
function betar = getbetar(h,r,Jr,ptheta)

%% Compute betar
betar = acos((Jr/pi+abs(ptheta) - sqrt(2)*r.^2 ./h.^2)./ ...
betar(isnan(betar)) = 0; % For Jr = ptheta = r = 0
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/getmomenta.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
This function returns the mechanical energy E, and the momenta Jr,
ptheta from velocity variables at points (h,r).
* h: effective plume radius at the axial position of the point(s)
* r: radius of the point(s)
* phiz: potential at the axis at those point(s)
* vz,vr,vtheta: velocity components at those point(s)
* E, Jr, ptheta: mechanical energy and momenta at those point(s)
function [E,Jr,ptheta] = getmomenta(h,r,phiz,vz,vr,vtheta)

%% Compute energies and momenta
% Definition of |ptheta|
ptheta = abs(r.*vtheta);

% Energy
E = (vz.^2+vr.^2+vtheta.^2)/2 - phiz + r.^2 ./h.^4;

% Jr
Jr = (sqrt(1/2)*(E+phiz-vz.^2/2).*h.^2 - abs(ptheta))*pi;

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/getr.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
This function returns r for a given h, betar, Jr and ptheta. It is the
inverse function of getbetar
* h: effective plume radius at the axial position of the point(s)
* betar: radial angle coordinate at those point(s)
* Jr, ptheta: momenta at those point(s)
* r: radius of the point(s)
function r = getr(h,betar,Jr,ptheta)

%% Compute r
r = sqrt((h.^2 ./sqrt(2)).* ...
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+electrons/+parabolic/getvelocities.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
This function returns |vz|, |vr|, |vtheta| at a point (h,r), given phiz,
E, Jr and ptheta.
* h: effective plume radius at the axial position of the point(s)
* r: radius of the point(s)
* phiz: potential at the axis at those point(s)
* E, Jr, ptheta: mechanical energy and momenta at those point(s)
* absvz,absvr,absvtheta: absolute value of the velocities
function [absvz,absvr,absvtheta] = getvelocities(h,r,phiz,E,Jr,ptheta)

%% Compute velocities
% Axial velocity |vz|
temp = sqrt(2)*(Jr/pi+abs(ptheta))./h.^2;
absvz = sqrt((E+phiz-temp)*2);

% Azimuthal velocity |vtheta| (definition of ptheta)
absvtheta = abs(ptheta./r);
absvtheta(isnan(absvtheta)) = 0; % vtheta = 0 always at the axis

% Radial velocity |vr|
absvr = sqrt((temp - (r.^2)./h.^4)*2 - absvtheta.^2);
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+ions/+parabolic/+cold/moment.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Computes the (evz,evr,evtheta) moment of the ion distribution function
at the requested points, which must be at the plume axis.
This is a simple paraxial, cold ion model, where the axial ion velocity
uzi follows energy conservation and density decays as 1/(uz*h^2).
All other ion moments are zero
* data: structure with simulation data
* solution: current solution structure with fields h,phi
* evz,evr,evtheta: indices of the moment to compute
* ipoints: points at which the moment will be computed. Omit or give an
empty array to compute at all points
* moment: total (evz,evr,evtheta) moment at the requested points
* moment1,moment2,moment4: moments for the free, reflected and
doubly-trapped subpoppulations (there are only free in this case)
function [moment,moment1,moment2,moment4] = moment(data,solution,evz,evr,evtheta,ipoints)

%% Unpack
chi = data.ions.chi; % dimensionless ion axial velocity at the origin
mu =; % dimensionless ion mass

h = solution.h(:);
r = solution.r(:);
phi = solution.phi(:);

if ~exist('ipoints','var') || isempty(ipoints) % An empty ipoints means all points
ipoints = 1:length(h);
ipoints = ipoints(:); % force column

%% Allocate
moment = ipoints.*0;
moment1 = moment;
moment2 = moment;
moment4 = moment;

%% Throw error if r ~= 0
if any(r(ipoints)~=0)
error('Error: akiles2d.ions.parabolic.cold.moment cannot currently compute moments at points not on the plume axis')

%% Compute moment
uz = sqrt(chi^2-(2/mu)*phi(ipoints)); % ion velocity
ni = chi./(uz.*h(ipoints).^2);

if evr == 0 && evtheta == 0
moment = ni.*uz.^evz;
moment1 = moment; % all ions are free
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+postprocessor/moments.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
Postprocesses a converged simulation to compute several moments electrons
and ions, and standard quantities derived from them.
* data: structure with simulation data
* solution: converged solution structure
* solution: updated structure with the moment fields (electrons, ions)
function solution = moments(data,solution)

%% Basic electron moments
[solution.electrons.M000,solution.electrons.M0001,solution.electrons.M0002,solution.electrons.M0004] = ...
[solution.electrons.M100,solution.electrons.M1001,solution.electrons.M1002,solution.electrons.M1004] = ...
[solution.electrons.M200,solution.electrons.M2001,solution.electrons.M2002,solution.electrons.M2004] = ...
[solution.electrons.M020,solution.electrons.M0201,solution.electrons.M0202,solution.electrons.M0204] = ...
[solution.electrons.M002,solution.electrons.M0021,solution.electrons.M0022,solution.electrons.M0024] = ...
[solution.electrons.M300,solution.electrons.M3001,solution.electrons.M3002,solution.electrons.M3004] = ...
[solution.electrons.M120,solution.electrons.M1201,solution.electrons.M1202,solution.electrons.M1204] = ...
[solution.electrons.M102,solution.electrons.M1021,solution.electrons.M1022,solution.electrons.M1024] = ...

%% Derived electron quantities
ll = {'','1','2','4'}; % Label for the whole population and each subpopulation

for il = 1:length(ll)
l = ll{il};
% Density
solution.electrons.(['n',l]) = solution.electrons.(['M000',l]);
% Axial velocity
solution.electrons.(['u',l]) = solution.electrons.(['M100',l])./solution.electrons.(['n',l]);
% Axial temperature
solution.electrons.(['Tz',l]) = solution.electrons.(['M200',l])./solution.electrons.(['n',l]) - solution.electrons.(['u',l]).^2;
% Radial temperature
solution.electrons.(['Tr',l]) = solution.electrons.(['M020',l])./solution.electrons.(['n',l]);
% Azimuthal temperature
solution.electrons.(['Ttheta',l]) = solution.electrons.(['M002',l])./solution.electrons.(['n',l]);
% Axial flux of axial heat
solution.electrons.(['qzz',l]) = 1/2*solution.electrons.(['M300',l]) - 3/2*solution.electrons.(['n',l]).*solution.electrons.(['u',l]).*solution.electrons.(['Tz',l]) - 1/2*solution.electrons.(['n',l]).*solution.electrons.(['u',l]).^3;
% Axial flux of radial heat
solution.electrons.(['qzr',l]) = 1/2*solution.electrons.(['M120',l]) - 3/2*solution.electrons.(['n',l]).*solution.electrons.(['u',l]).*solution.electrons.(['Tr',l]);
% Axial flux of azimuthal heat
solution.electrons.(['qztheta',l]) = 1/2*solution.electrons.(['M102',l]) - 3/2*solution.electrons.(['n',l]).*solution.electrons.(['u',l]).*solution.electrons.(['Ttheta',l]);

%% Basic ion moments
[solution.ions.M000,solution.ions.M0001,solution.ions.M0002,solution.ions.M0004] = ...
[solution.ions.M100,solution.ions.M1001,solution.ions.M1002,solution.ions.M1004] = ...
[solution.ions.M200,solution.ions.M2001,solution.ions.M2002,solution.ions.M2004] = ...
[solution.ions.M020,solution.ions.M0201,solution.ions.M0202,solution.ions.M0204] = ...
[solution.ions.M002,solution.ions.M0021,solution.ions.M0022,solution.ions.M0024] = ...
[solution.ions.M300,solution.ions.M3001,solution.ions.M3002,solution.ions.M3004] = ...
[solution.ions.M120,solution.ions.M1201,solution.ions.M1202,solution.ions.M1204] = ...
[solution.ions.M102,solution.ions.M1021,solution.ions.M1022,solution.ions.M1024] = ...

%% Derived ion quantities
ll = {'','1','2','4'}; % Label for the whole population and each subpopulation

for il = 1:length(ll)
l = ll{il};
% Density
solution.ions.(['n',l]) = solution.ions.(['M000',l]);
% Axial velocity
solution.ions.(['u',l]) = solution.ions.(['M100',l])./solution.ions.(['n',l]);
% Axial temperature
solution.ions.(['Tz',l]) = solution.ions.(['M200',l])./solution.ions.(['n',l]) - solution.ions.(['u',l]).^2;
% Radial temperature
solution.ions.(['Tr',l]) = solution.ions.(['M020',l])./solution.ions.(['n',l]);
% Azimuthal temperature
solution.ions.(['Ttheta',l]) = solution.ions.(['M002',l])./solution.ions.(['n',l]);
% Axial flux of axial heat
solution.ions.(['qzz',l]) = 1/2*solution.ions.(['M300',l]) - 3/2*solution.ions.(['n',l]).*solution.ions.(['u',l]).*solution.ions.(['Tz',l]) - 1/2*solution.ions.(['n',l]).*solution.ions.(['u',l]).^3;
% Axial flux of radial heat
solution.ions.(['qzr',l]) = 1/2*solution.ions.(['M120',l]) - 3/2*solution.ions.(['n',l]).*solution.ions.(['u',l]).*solution.ions.(['Tr',l]);
% Axial flux of azimuthal heat
solution.ions.(['qztheta',l]) = 1/2*solution.ions.(['M102',l]) - 3/2*solution.ions.(['n',l]).*solution.ions.(['u',l]).*solution.ions.(['Ttheta',l]);

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions +akiles2d/+potential/+parabolic/phi.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Computes phi in the parabolic potential case.
* h: effective plume radius at the axial position of the point(s)
* r: radius of the point(s)
* phiz: potential at the axis at those point(s)
* phi: potential at the requested points
function phi = phi(h,r,phiz)

%% Compute phi
phi = - r.^2 ./ h.^4 + phiz;

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