A simple thermal camera for ESP32 TTGO T-Display module using AMG8833 sensor based on smartynov ir-cam code
For pre-built firmware binaries check the release assets: https://github.com/entrusc/AMG8833-Thermal-Cam/releases
- ESP32 TTGO T-Display
- AMG8833 8x8 ir-sensor (e.g. from Adafruit)
- 16340 lithium battery holder (like e.g. this one)
- a 16340 lithum battery
- some wires & soldering iron
- optional: 3d printed case (STL files on printables.com)
This is a fork that incorporates the following changes:
- temperatures are now formatted in a more readable way, and temperatures out of range are marked accordingly
- added a "selection" mode to make it easier to read the temperature of the central point of the sensor (switch modes using button2)
- incorporated fix for negative temperature bug in AMG8833 library
Inspired by (and partially uses code from) examples from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_AMG88xx and https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_GridEYE_Arduino_Library
Original can be found here: https://github.com/smartynov/AMG8833-Thermal-Cam