A markdown-based data connection and conversion tool to solve data conversion between different tools and coordination between some common tools.
Some use cases
- Publish some notes online, for example, generate content required by hexo blog from joplin note tool and publish it online
- Publish a novel online, for example, generate a novel website from local markdown files and publish it
- Package a novel into an epub file, for example, package "Flying to the Stars" into an epub file for offline reading after downloading
Some use cases from the community
- joplin => hugo generating a blog
- joplin => jekyll generating a blog
- There may be others...
We have now used many tools to handle different tasks, but they are all based on markdown, such as
- Use joplin to record notes
- Use hexo to write a blog
- Use vitepress to generate documentation websites
- Use docusaurus to generate SEO-friendly novel websites
- Use pandoc to generate epub
What really makes us feel painful is that when using docusaurus, each novel requires a lot of configuration, which is very annoying. So we hope to have better tools that can be used out of the box.
For more information, please read the documentation