Eduardo Costa Paiva - Frontend
Gabriel Augusto Marson - Mobile iOS Native
Mateus Henrique Alves da Cruz - Backend (git owner)
Thiago Fuzaro - Frontend
Backend - Spring and Mongo
Frontend - VueJS and Bootstrap
Mobile - Swift
1.Install MongoDB, Java and Maven
2.Clone this repository using
3.On the root of the project, run:
mkdir data && mkdir data/db (this create the project database path used by mongo to store data)
mongod --dbpath=data/db (this will initiate a mongodb server at localhost:27017)
mvn dependency:resolve (this will handle the dependencies of the project)
mvn clean install (this will build the project)
mvn spring-boot:run (this will start the webservice at localhost:8080)
4.Open in your browser the URL
to test the webservice or use any HttpClient that you want.