RTAB-Map's ROS package.
Please make sure you have all the dependencies before you start. The dependencies above are for noetic-devel.
!! For the fastest solution, you definitely need to use pointcloud_to_laserscan and pose2d_to_odom packages in this project. Please do not try to get it externally!!
The package uses 2D lidar odometry to localize, so if you are only using an RGBD Camera as a sensor, you first need to obtain a laser message and then obtain odometry with this laser message.
Here is the diagram of the packages.
There are some parameters you need to change in order to work this package properly.
If you already have this package or you somehow get it externally, please do the changes below.
in /laser_scan_matcher/demo/demo_gmapping.launch
make sure the first lines look like the one below.
and also you need to do these remaps if your laser message is named anything but "/scan"
Open the terminal and run the command below
$ roslaunch pointcloud_to_laserscan cob4_test_launch_node.launch
Open another terminal and run the command
$ roslaunch laser_scan_matcher demo_gmapping.launch
Open another terminal and run the command
$ roslaunch pose2d_to_odom start.launch
And finally, run the command
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch
Now you are ready to go ...
-> laser_scan_matcher -> pointcloud_to_laserscan
-> openni2