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- Dates: Sept 21-23
- Location: Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
- Twiter feed: #jhudash
- Introduction to the Dash
- Help spreadsheet
- Code of conduct
- Theme areas: Population health, quantified self, current events, Baltimore (civic measurement), Genetics and Genomics
- Goal: Get people in small groups working on problems they are interested in, build simple but useful data products.
- tl;dr plan: M - Getting to know you, gearing up, T - Hacking/working, W - Finishing up/presentations.
- Brought to you by: JHU Data Science Lab, JHU Biostatistics, NIH BD2K
- This website: http://bitly.com/jhudashboard
- Markdown
- Command Line
- Git & GitHub
- R (swirl)
- Webscraping in R
- Shiny tutorial
- Getting help spreadsheet
- CMS Data Navigator
- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
- National Health Interview Survey
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
- General Social Survey
- CMS Data on Hospitals and Physicians
- National Immunization Survey
- EPA Air Quality System
- EPA Toxic Release Inventory
- EPA National Emissions Inventory
- Hillary Clinton's emails
- Syrian Refugees
- Cost of College
- Natural Disasters (The Humanitarian Data Exchange)
- Data.gov: http://www.data.gov/
- Socrata: http://www.socrata.com/top-open-data-datasets/
- Open city data
- Open Baltimore: https://data.baltimorecity.gov/
- Washington D.C.: http://opendata.dc.gov/
- NYC Open Data: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/
- Chicago Data Portal: https://data.cityofchicago.org/
- Seattle: https://data.seattle.gov/
- Boston: http://www.cityofboston.gov/open/
- Vancouver: http://vancouver.ca/your-government/open-data-catalogue.aspx
- Maryland: https://data.maryland.gov/
- Many more, Google "open data cityname"
- OpenSNP
- Clinvar
- Software
- GWAS catalog
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim =======
JHU DaSH project on alzheimer's and alzheimer's related phenotypes