add regression tests for initialisers #85
2 errors
ExecaError: Command failed with exit code 1: pnpm 'test:ember'
(!) outDir /tmp/tmp-1897-BUSJXWDLwV2U/fancy-app-in-test/dist is not inside project root and will not be emptied.
Use --emptyOutDir to override.
<script src="/@embroider/core/vendor.js"> in "/index.html" can't be bundled without type="module" attribute
<script src="/testem.js"> in "/tests/index.html" can't be bundled without type="module" attribute
<script src="/@embroider/core/vendor.js"> in "/tests/index.html" can't be bundled without type="module" attribute
<script src="/@embroider/core/test-support.js"> in "/tests/index.html" can't be bundled without type="module" attribute
/assets/fancy-app-in-test.css doesn't exist at build time, it will remain unchanged to be resolved at runtime
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
DEPRECATION: The parts property on path nodes is deprecated, use head and tail instead
DEPRECATION: The this property on path nodes is deprecated, use head.type instead
[plugin:vite:reporter] [plugin vite:reporter]
(!) /tmp/tmp-1897-BUSJXWDLwV2U/fancy-app-in-test/tmp/rewritten-app/tests/test-helper.js is dynamically imported by embroider_virtual:/tmp/tmp-1897-BUSJXWDLwV2U/fancy-app-in-test/tmp/rewritten-app/-embroider-test-entrypoint.js but also statically imported by embroider_virtual:/tmp/tmp-1897-BUSJXWDLwV2U/fancy-app-in-test/tmp/rewritten-app/-embroider-test-entrypoint.js, dynamic import will not move module into another chunk.
(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
Testem finished with non-zero exit code. Tests failed.
> [email protected] test:ember /tmp/tmp-1897-BUSJXWDLwV2U/fancy-app-in-test
> vite build --mode test && ember test --path dist
vite v5.3.1 building for test...
Environment: test
cleaning up
cleaning up...
Built project successfully. Stored in "dist/".
✓ 357 modules transformed.
rendering chunks...
computing gzip size...
../../dist/@embroider/core/test-support.js 0.46 kB
../../dist/testem.js 0.68 kB
../../dist/index.html 1.25 kB │ gzip: 0.63 kB
../../dist/tests/index.html 1.94 kB │ gzip: 0.91 kB
../../dist/@embroider/core/vendor.js 9.31 kB
../../dist/ember-welcome-page/images/construction.png 91.11 kB
../../dist/assets/fancy-app-in-test.css 0.16 kB │ gzip: 0.15 kB
../../dist/assets/-embroider-entrypoint-B9YwGhao.css 1.87 kB │ gzip: 0.61 kB
../../dist/assets/tests-BZEWdZSW.css 8.37 kB │ gzip: 2.34 kB
../../dist/assets/tests-BKRoe06T.js 386.91 kB │ gzip: 84.93 kB
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.