A small web app for local SNS development.
It contains a small store to inspect, and some methods to inspect and change the contents, so you can create scenarios.
- No checking of access keys.
- Returns all topics, not just 100, no support for
- CreateTopic
- ListTopics
- DeleteTopic
- GetTopicAttributes
- SetTopicAttributes
- ListSubscriptions
- ListSubscriptionsByTopic
- Subscribe
- Publish
- AddPermission
- ConfirmSubscription
- CreatePlatformApplication
- CreatePlatformEndpoint
- DeleteEndpoint
- DeletePlatformApplication
- GetEndpointAttributes
- GetPlatformApplicationAttributes
- GetSubscriptionAttributes
- ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication
- ListPlatformApplications
- RemovePermission
- SetEndpointAttributes
- SetPlatformApplicationAttributes
- SetSubscriptionAttributes
- Unsubscribe
There are 2 ways of running FakeSNS, as a gem, or as plain Rack app. The first is easy, the latter is more flexible.
As a gem:
$ gem install fake_sns
$ fake_sns -p 9292
To configure AWS-SDK to send messages here:
use_ssl: false,
sns_endpoint: "",
sns_port: 9292,
Get help by running fake_sns --help
. These options are basically the same as
Sinatra's options. Here are the SNS specific options:
- Store the database somewhere else:
--database FILENAME
or specify an in memory database that will be lost:--database :memory:
To get a YAML representation of all the data known to FakeSNS, do a GET request to the root path:
curl -X GET http://localhost:9292/
To change the database, submit the contents you got from the previous step, augment it and submit it as the body of a PUT request:
curl -X GET http://localhost:9292/ -o my-data.yml
vim my-data.yml
curl -X PUT --data @my-data.yml http://localhost:9292/
To reset the entire database, send a DELETE request:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9292/
To send ALL the messages stored in the queue, you can send a post request:
curl -X POST http://localhost:9292/drain
You can also just send a single message:
curl -X POST http://localhost:9292/drain/:message_id
Currently, only HTTP/HTTPS and SQS endpoints are working. You'll need to pass AWS config (in JSON format) for the SQS integration to work. See [FakeSNS] [fake_sns] for more information.
curl \
--data '{"aws_config": {"use_ssl": false, "sqs_endpoint": "localhost", "sqs_port": 4789, "secret_access_key": "xxx", "access_key_id": "yyy"}}' \
When making integration tests for your app, you can easily include Fake SNS.
Here are the methods you need to run FakeSNS programmatically.
require "fake_sns/test_integration"
# globally, before the test suite starts:
use_ssl: false,
sns_endpoint: "localhost",
sns_port: 4568,
access_key_id: "fake access key",
secret_access_key: "fake secret key",
fake_sns = FakeSNS::TestIntegration.new
# before each test that requires SNS:
# at the end of the suite:
at_exit {
# for debugging, get everything FakeSNS knows:
puts fake_sns.data.inspect
# if you have SQS configured in the AWS config, you can also do:
See spec/spec_helper.rb
in this project for an example on how to load it in
your test suite.
- API Reference
- AWS-SDK docs
- [Fake SQS] fake_sqs