Very simple package to use base64 image in maui-xaml app. If you need to use a base64 image and don't want to have infrastructure code in your business logic, this package is for you.
To use - first initialize the package in your code (for have a link from the application to the library)
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
You can then use base64 images in your code:
add namespace to your xaml file xmlns:base64Controls="http://eliseev/base64Image" use ImageBase64 base <base64Controls:ImageBase64 Base64Source={binding youBase64String}/> For example:
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<vertical stack layout>
Height request = "200"
Base64Source="{binding youBase64String}"/>
</vertical stack layout>
** ImageBase64 is a version of Image, so it has all of its functionality.
For report please contact me [email protected]