Code structure:
|-- yourprojectdir | |-- gunslinger | | |-- sim | | |-- dumb | | |-- g1 | | |-- g2 | | |-- ...
- Compile the simulator In your project directory, run
javac gunslinger/sim/
- Run the simulator In your project directory, run
java gunslinger.sim.Gunslinger java gunslinger.sim.Gunslinger players.list 2 2 true true true true 1
- playerlist: list of players
- num of enermies:
- num of friends:
- gui: enable graphical interface
- recompile: recompile the players. (turn it on if you have made changes to your player)
- verbose: enable more printing information
- trace: enable step-by-step trace
- games: how many games to run in a tournament
You can also change the default parameters in
- Write your own player
- Create a new directory g[1-10] under gunslinger, e.g. g1, g2, g3,..
- Create a new file under g1, which implements a player class that extends the base class gunslinger.sim.Player. Copy dumb/ to your directory and make changes to it is probably a good starting point
- If you want to create more auxilary classes, go ahead and create those .java file under your directory. The simulator will compile and load these auxilary class automatically
Zip and upload your player Create a zip file g[1-10].zip that includes the g[1-10] directory. Upload the zip file into the according directory.
Report bugs of the simulator You are welcome to report any bug in the simulator to me: Jiacheng Yang, [email protected]. I will try to fix it as soon as possible.