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Multi-Camera Synchronous Data Acquisition with Basler and FLIR Cameras

This program live streams the frames of Basler acA2040-120um and FLIR Grasshopper-3 USB-3 cameras with additional functionalities such as configuring the camera settings, exporting frames as a video, saving metadata of each frame, triggering camera from software (SW) or hardware (HW) by generating a PWM from Arduino's digital output pin, making inference from a pretrained ML model, preview of the camera stream and model predictions.

The program utilizes threading capabilities of Python to run tasks parallelly without blocking each other.



  1. For Basler: Download and install Basler Pylon SDK.

  2. For FLIR: Download and install FLIR Spinnaker SDK 4.0.0 (both GUI and Python SDK). Make sure the correct FFMPEG dependencies exist and SpinView can recognize the camera. I used FFMPEG-4.4.5 "Rao".

  3. [Optional for hardware trigger with Arduino] Compile and upload utils/arduino_pwm_led/arduino_pwm_led.ino file to the Arduino.


  1. Connect Basler USB 3.0 and/or FLIR GS3-U3 to the computer.

Optional Steps for hardware trigger via PWM from Arduino:

Replace the buzzer in the circuit with the camera of your choice (Basler or FLIR or both), and think of pink cable as your GPIO trigger line, and black is the GND.

Circuit Diagram

  1. Connect:

    • Pin 3 of Arduino with Pin 1 (Brown cable) of the Basler, and Pin 4 (Green cable) of the FLIR GS3-U3.
    • GND pin of Arduino with Pin 6 (White cable) of the Basler, and Pin 5 (Brown cable) of the FLIR GS3-U3.
  2. Connect Pin 10 of Arduino with the stimulation's input ((+) for the external LED) line, and GND pin of Arduino with LED's (-) line.

  3. Connect Arduino to the computer via USB.

Set Arduino access rights

Do the following if using Arduino for the first time on Linux.

# navigate to rules.d directory
cd /etc/udev/rules.d
#create a new rule file
sudo touch my-newrule.rules
# open the file
sudo nano my-newrule.rules
# add the following
KERNEL=="ttyACM0", MODE="0666"

Restart the computer for the access rights to take effect.


You can create a new environment before installing the necessary dependencies.

conda create -n <your_env_name> python=3.10
conda activate <your_env_name>

Intall the dependencies via:

cd basler_arduino
pip install -r requirements.txt

If some packages do not get installed, install them separately via:

pip install <package_name>


config/config-basler_multi_cam.yaml is the only up-to-date config file.

Selecting Camera and Previews

Each camera in the configuration file has a unique name (i.e., basler_0) and the following attributes:

use: True # using the camera or not
preview: True # show preview of live stream
predict: False # make real-time ML model inference
preview_predict: False # preview ML model inferences on the live frame
pred_preview_toggle_button: 'b' # toggle button for prediction preview

Currently, both cameras can be used but only one preview should be enabled.

Recording Duration

--n_total_frames argument in the main script ( and recording_fps in stimulation_config.json defines the recording duration.

Data Save Path

savedir under the configuration file file controls the data storing path.

-s argument enables or disables data saving.

Acquisition Mode

--acquisition_mode controls the acquisition mode, and is only implemented for "frames" for now.

SW vs. HW Trigger

The cameras can be trigger via both SW or HW (Arduino). The relevant --config file should be provided for either case. For the HW trigger, --trigger_with_arduino should be set to one of the followings ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes']

For HW trigger: With two cameras (Basler + GS3-U3), we can acquire data at 60 FPS with (1280 x 1280) resolution or one camera with 120 FPS with the same resolution.

For SW trigger: We can acquire data at 120 FPS with (1280 x 1280) resolution regardless of one or two cameras.

AcquisitionFrameRateEnable should be False for the HW trigger, and True for the SW trigger in Basler options, but this case is handled in in the update_settings() method.

LED Stimulation

Stimulation can only be used in the HW trigger mode.

If --stimulation_path is empty (i.e., ""), no led stimulation will be triggered.

stimulation_config.json contains the stimulation profiles with the following structure:

"<block number>": {"duration_sec": "8", // duration of the block in sec
                    "stimulation": "1", // bool flag for whether stimulation exists
                    "stimulation_turnOn_times_sec": ["2", "4"], // list of local (within block) stimulation start times in sec
                    "stimulation_durations_ms": ["1000", "2000"], // list of stimulation durations in ms
                    "pulse_ontime_ms": ["50", "250"], // list of pulse on times in ms
                    "pulse_offtime_ms": ["50", "250"]}, // list of pulse off times in ms

--n_total_frames should be equal to the product of total duration of each blocks in stimulation_config.json and the AcquisitionFrameRate parameter in the camera config file.


You can run the main program via:


Or with appropriate attribute changes. To see the list of available options:

python -h

Hardware Troubleshoot

For GPIO coax cable color codes, refer here.

Find Basler GPIO pins here


If the Arduino IDE stalls with the following notification:

Downloading index library_index.tar.bz2

First, make sure the serial monitor is closed.

If it doesn't solve the problem, end arduino processes in the system monitor or kill their pids, and delete /home/<username>/.arduinoIDE/arduino-cli.yaml file.

Software Troubleshoot


I needed to make a static build for the FFMPEG by following the commands:

# Navigate to the downloaded folder
cd ~/Downloads/ffmpeg-4.4.5

# Configure FFmpeg with Shared Libraries: Rebuild FFmpeg, enabling shared libraries
./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-gpl --disable-x86asm

# Compile and Install
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

# make sure the .so files are present
ls /usr/local/lib | grep libav

# update library cache
sudo ldconfig

For the following error in SpinView:

Spinnaker system instance cannot be acquired. could not load producer.make sure the environemnt variable SPINNAKEr_gentl64_cti exists, and points to the location of the file spinnaker_gentl.cti [-1012]

Set the environment variables:

sudo nano ~/.bashrc
export SPINNAKER_GENTL64_CTI=/opt/spinnaker/lib/spinnaker-gentl/Spinnaker_GenTL.cti
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/spinnaker/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then reboot. Make sure SpinView runs and recognizes the camera.


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