A simple CLI tool for commenting on GitHub PRs.
Most tools out there will just post a new comment to a GitHub PR but in heavily developed, long living PRs or when the comments are large, lots of these comments can become a burden to read the PR and also to find out which comments are still relevant and which are now old and outdated.
The main feature ghcomment
was created for is that it always updates an
existing comment, if one already exists previously instead of creating a new
Usage of ghcomment:
-comment string
A PR Comment
-pr int
A Pull Request number
-repo string
A GitHub repository on the format <org>/<repository>, or the local git repo if empty
-signkey string
A key used to create the signature
-token string
A github token
By using the -signkey
flag, ghcomment can keep track of several different
comments at the same time. The sign key can be any string which is hashed and
posted along with the comment. When ghcomment
runs with a sign key, it will
look for a comment in the PR with a hash of that key and if it exist, it updates
it instead of creating a new one