This project is a single-vendor e-commerce platform designed for selling fish and seafood products. The application is built with a Laravel API backend and a Quasar Vue.js frontend, using TypeScript for type safety and Pinia for state management.
With flexible architecture that separates frontend and backend services, making it suitable for future enhancements and third-party integrations.
Admin Products | Checkout |
- Frontend: Quasar (Vue 3)
- Backend: Laravel 11+
- Language: Typescript 5.7+, Javascript & PHP 8.2
- Database: Mysql, Postgress.
- Web SPA & Android/IOS - Vite & Capacitor
- State Management Pinia
- internationalization i18next
- CSS framework TailwindCss
- Card Payment Stripe API
- Charts Google Charts
- Icons MDI & Google Icons
- Illustrations Freepik & Undraw
- Animation GSAP
navigate to frontend-fish-store/ open terminal and
install Quasar CLI
install dependencies run
npm install
as reference. -
Set server api url on
Add stripe publish_key on
run to serve
quasar dev
the default URL would be http://localhost:8888/
navigate to backend-fish-store/ open terminal and
install requirements:
as reference. -
Add Database and Stripe Keys.
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=database_name DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD=database_password
Add Initial Admin Credentials (Update the Password after):
[email protected] SEEDER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
open terminal and run
install dependencies:
composer install
add database migrations
php artisan migrate
generate key
php artisan key:generate
- Run to seed Admin
php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder
php artisan serve
Add database dummies
php artisan db:seed