A PHP API wrapper for OutlineVPN.
Install the latest version with
$ composer require edvardpotter/outline-manager-client
PHP >= 7.4
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use OutlineManagerClient\OutlineClient;
$url = '';
/* Create outline client */
$api = new OutlineClient($url);
/* Or create with your own guzzle http client */
$guzzleClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
'uri' => $url
$api = new OutlineClient('', $guzzleClient);
/* Get server info */
$server = $api->getServer();
echo $server->getName();
echo $server->getServerId();
echo $server->getVersion();
echo $server->getHostnameForAccessKeys();
echo $server->getPortForNewAccessKeys();
echo $server->getCreatedTimestampMs();
/* Set server name */
$api->setServerName('My outline server');
/* Set server port */
/* Get array key collection (array<id, KeyType>) */
$keysList = $api->getKeys();
foreach ($keysList as $id => $key) {
echo $key->getId();
echo $key->getName();
echo $key->getUsedBytes();
echo $key->getAccessUrl();
echo $key->getPort();
/* ... */
/* Create new key with name */
$key = $api->addKey('First key');
/* Or set key after creating */
$key = $api->addKey();
$api->setKeyName($key->getId(), 'First key');
/* Get key by id */
/* Set key data limit in bytes by key id. In the example set 10GB */
$api->setKeyDataLimit($key->getId(), 10 * 1024 * 1024 *1024);
/* Unset key data limit by key id */
/* Delete key */
/* Set default data limit (for all keys) */
$api->setDefaultDataLimit(10 * 1024 * 1024 *1024);
/* Unset default data limit */
/* Get an array of used traffic for all keys */
$usedBytes = $api->getUsedBytes();