Identify the minimum number of plays that merge all tiles into one. A maximum number of plays allowed is provided. If it is not possible to clear the board with that number of plays, you must report no solution.
Compute the number of distinct arcs that can be built for the given values n, h and H. Since this number can be very large, you need to report your answer in modulo 1000000007.
- Valid arcs.
- Not valid arcs.
- How many circuits exist in the city?
- How many POIs does the largest circuit contain?
- What is the longest lane to build (considering a different lane for each circuit)?
- What is the total length of bike lane to build (considering all circuits)?
Licenciatura Engenharia Informática - Universidade de Coimbra
Estratégias Algoritmícas - 2020/2021
Coimbra, 16 de maio de 2021
🎓 Rodrigo Sobral 🎓 Eduardo Cruz
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