A full-stack starter kit for Edge-first applications built with React on top of Cloudflare Developer Platform.
This is still in development, the authentication code included works but is not ready or complete, however app works just fine ignoring that.
- Deploy to Cloudflare Workers
- Test and manage packages with Bun
- Styles with Tailwind
- Code Quality (lint and format) checker with Biome
- CI with GH Actions
- Router with React Router
- Database with Cloudflare D1
- Query builder and DB migrations with Drizzle
- Queues with Cloudflare Queues
- Scheduled tasks with Cloudflare Workers Cron Triggers
- KV storage and caching with Cloudflare Workers KV
- File storage with Cloudflare R2
- Run AI models with Cloudflare Workers AI
- Use Puppeteer with Cloudflare Browser Rendering
- User profile backfilling with Gravatar API
- Prevent email spam with Verifier
- Secure your users with HaveIBeenPwned API
- Authentication and authorization WIP
- More to come...
Create a new React application using the Edge-first Starter Kit:
bun create edgefirst-dev/starter <my-app>
cd my-app
bun run setup <my-app>
The setup
script will ask for your project name, and other information to configure the project locally and on Cloudflare.
Check the setup docs for more information.