EdgeKit.js is a toolkit to helps you build on top of Cloudflare Development Platform with ease.
- Global environment access
- Key-Value Store
- Server-side Cache with TTL
- File Storage
- Database
- AI Services
- Background Jobs
- Scheduled Tasks
- Browser Rendering
- Rate Limiting
- And more things!
Create a new Edge-first app using EdgeKit.js with the following command:
npx degit edgefirst-dev/starter my-app
This will give you a new Cloudflare Worker project with EdgeKit.js already setup and React Router v7.
Install the toolkit:
bun add edgekitjs
In your Cloudflare Worker, call the bootstrap
function and export it.
import schema from "db:schema"; // Import your Drizzle schema
import { bootstrap } from "edgekitjs/worker";
export default bootstrap({
orm: { schema },
rateLimit: { limit: 1000, period: 60 },
jobs() {
// Register your jobs here
return [];
tasks() {
// Schedule your tasks here
return [];
async onRequest(request) {
// Inside this function you can use all the functions provided by EdgeKit.js
return new Response("Hello, World!", { status: 200 });
declare module "edgekitjs" {
export interface Environment {
// Add your custom env variables or bindings here
// Override the default DatabaseSchema with your own
type Schema = typeof schema;
export interface DatabaseSchema extends Schema {}
Now you can import the functions from edgekitjs
and use it in any part of your Edge-first app.