ie. Cal_ASM_LhT1.mat
Cogitive Task
Cal: Calculation
Lin: Linguistic
Fin: Finger Tapping
Rot: Mental Rotation
ASM: the subject's code. Total has twenty subjects.
L- Difficulty Level
l: low
m: middle
h: high
T- Trial
1: Practice Round
2-6: experimental Round
Rating = Subjective Difficulty Rating after 5 trial
keyPressed = answer from subject
keyT = Timestamp when the key pressed
keyT_i = corresponding location in EEG when the key pressed
imageT = Timestamp when the question image shown on the screen
imageT_i = corresponding location in EEG when the question image shown on the screen
CorrectAns = 1 is correct, 0 is wrong answer
-----Data.EEG-----(Neurosky MindWave Headset)
raw = EEG raw data
PQ = signal quality