Lineage tracing of Shh+ floor plate cells and dynamics of dorsal-ventral gene expression in the regenerating axolotl spinal cord
This project involves the analysis, modeling and visualization of gene expression data from multiple genes, conditions and replicas using a piecewise constant fitting approach.
The following Python packages are required:
- pandas
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
You can install these packages using pip:
pip install pandas numpy scipy matplotlib seaborn
The data is loaded from an Excel file (quantifications_all-n.xlsx
). Each sheet in the Excel file contains distance and expression data for various genes, conditions and replicas.
Distances are normalized to a range of 0 to 100 and binned into specified intervals. The average expression within each bin is calculated.
Data is organized into dictionaries based on genes and conditions, and statistical metrics are computed.
- Expression profiles: plots of gene expression profiles along the distance axis for each gene and condition.
- Piecewise constant fitting: fitting the data using two-step and three-step piecewise constant functions to identify changes in expression levels.
The two-step piecewise constant function fits the data with one switchpoint for most of the genes. The best fit is determined by evaluating the SSE for all potential switchpoints.
The three-step piecewise constant function is used to fit the data with two switchpoints for Pax6. The function evaluates different pairs of switchpoints to minimize the sum of squared errors (SSE).
- SSE plots: scatter plots showing the SSE values for different switchpoints.
- Expression plots: scatter plots of the data with the fitted piecewise constant function overlaid.
- Intensity and size comparison: box plots comparing the corrected HCR signal intensity and domain size between conditions for each gene.
Statistical tests (Mann-Whitney and t-test) are performed to compare the differences between conditions, and the results are annotated on the plots.
Summary statistics for gene expression data, including mean, median and std of intensity and size, are calculated and saved to a CSV file (summary_stats.csv
To run the analysis, execute the script in a Python notebooks with the necessary packages installed. The script will generate visualizations and save the results to the specified output files.
For questions or further information, please contact [email protected].