Release 3.9.2 - OTA hotfix
OTA hotfix. In 3.9.1 the app would write a LFS-2.6 format filesystem on flash, but the OTA bootloader was only compatible with the original format and so could never actually read any OTA updates. This hotfix rebuilds the OTA bootloader with LFS-2.6 (and original LFS) format support.
Lots of updates, but nothing that should break existing code.
- Rebuild OTA bootloader for newer LittleFS version (#2199)
- Clean up OTA example references to ESP8266 (#2200)
LittleFS Updates
Big upgrade to LittleFS, to version 2.9.3. This version is backwards compatible with the 2.5.1 we were using but will update the on-flash format after the first mount. The filename limitation of 32 characters has also been removed.
Webserver and other ESP32-borrowed fixes
Lots of patches migrated from the ESP32, with new support for cookies in the HTTP client.
- Allow uploading huge files to WebServer (#2180)
- Small RAM savings (128b) in WebServer (#2178)
- Add Cookies to HTTPClient (#2186)
- Webserver Ignore extra headers in multipart forms (#2184)
- HTTPClient - Fix case sensitivity for header keys (#2185)
- Fix POST form parser edge cases (#2182)
- Fix AdvancedWebServer.ino uptime conversion (#2183)
Bluetooth classic master mode (connect to keyboard/mouse)
- Bluetooth Master HID and musical keyboard example (#2195)
- Split out BluetoothHCI for shared usage (#2194)
BluetoothAudio crash fix and new features
- Add track info support for BT audio sink (#2190)
- Fix crash on audio end from IRQ, refactor A2DP (#2189)
- Allow setting SerialBT advertised name (#2181)
LWIP can now be allocated 2x the normal memory for cases where performance demands it. In normal operation this is very unlikely.