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W3C XQTS driver for eXist-db

CI Scala 2.13 License Maven Central

This application executes a W3C XQTS against an embedded eXist-db server.

Compiling from Source

To build from source you will need the following pre-requisites:

  1. Git Command Line tools.
  2. Java 8+
  3. SBT (Simple Build Tool) 1.5.5+

In the following steps, we assume that all of the above tools are available on your system path.

The version of eXist-db that the XQTS driver is compiled for is set in build.sbt. If you wish to compile against a newer or custom version of eXist-db, you can modify this to the version of an eXist-db Maven/Ivy artifact which you have available to your system, e.g.:

val existV = "5.3.0"

Once the pre-requisites are met, to build from source you can execute the following commands from your console/terminal:

  1. git clone
  2. cd exist-xqts-runner
  3. sbt compile

The compiled application is now available in the sub-directory target/scala-2.13.

Running from Compiled Source

If you wish to run the application from the compiled source code, you can run the following to display the arguments accepted by exist-xqts-runner:

sbt "run --help"

Obviously you should study the output from --help, and make sure to set the command line arguments that you need.

NOTE: When running exist-xqts-runner via. sbt, the run command and any subsequent arguments to exist-xqts-runner must all be enclosed in the same double-quotes.

Packaging the Application from Compiled Source

  • If you require a standard Jar file for some purpose you can run sbt package, which will generate target/scala-2.13/exist-xqts-runner_2.13-1.0.0.jar.

  • If you wish to create a standalone application (also known as an Uber Jar, Assembly, etc.) you can run sbt assembly, which will generate target/scala-2.13/exist-xqts-runner-assembly-1.0.0.jar.

Running the Packaged Application

Given the standalone application, you can execute it by running either:

  1. java -jar exist-xqts-runner-assembly-1.0.0.jar

  2. or, even by just executing the exist-xqts-runner-assembly-1.0.0.jar file directly, as we compile an executable header into the Jar file. e.g. (on Linux/Mac): ./exist-xqts-runner-assembly-1.0.0.jar.

Publishing to Maven Central / Evolved Binary Snapshots

  1. Run sbt clean release
  2. Answer the questions
  3. Login to then Close, and Release the Staging Repository

XQTS Results

The results of executing the XQTS will be formatted as JUnit test output.

  • The JUnit report data will be written to the target/junit/data folder.
  • An HTML aggregate report summary will be written to target/junit/html/index.html.

Application Architecture

The application is constructed using Akka, and as such makes use of Actors to perform many tasks in parallel; This hopefully speeds up the process of running the XQTS which includes many test cases. When the Application first executes, it will check for a local copy of the XQTS in a sub-directory named work, if it cannot find a local copy of the XQTS then it will download it from the W3C.

Actor Hierarchy

Actors naturally have a supervision hierarchy, where if an Actor fails it's supervisor may be notified; The supervisor is responsible for responding to, and recovering from, failures of its supervisees.

Actor Supervisor Hierarchy

Actor Message Flows

Actors in the system communicate by sending messages between each other. The message flow of an Akka Actor system can sometimes be tricky to follow by reading the code. The diagram below attempts to inform the developer about the message flows in the system.

Actor Message Flow