This tool is used by the sig-windows community to test K8s scenarios with Windows nodes. It deploys clusters in Azure and runs k8s e2e tests agains those clusters.
How to use:
- terraform
- ansible
- golang > 1.12.4 ( needed to build tests and binaries )
The tool requires the following env vars to be set in order to be able to deploy Azure clusters with terraform --ci=terraform-flannel --terraform-config --ssh-private-key-path=(defaults to $HOME/.ssh) --ssh-public-key-path=(defaults to $HOME/.ssh) \
--test=True --up=True --down=True --build=k8sbins --rg_name=test-rg --ansibleRepo=ansible_repo_to_deploy_k8s --ansibleBranch=ansible_branch \
--test-focus-regex --test-skip-regex
--repo-list REPO_LIST
Repo list with registries for test images. (default:
--parallel-test-nodes PARALLEL_TEST_NODES
--test-dry-run TEST_DRY_RUN
--test-focus-regex TEST_FOCUS_REGEX
--test-skip-regex TEST_SKIP_REGEX
--kubetest-link KUBETEST_LINK
--location LOCATION Resource group location. (default: eastus)
--rg_name RG_NAME resource group name. (default: None)
--master-vm-name MASTER_VM_NAME
Name of master vm. (default: None)
--master-vm-size MASTER_VM_SIZE
Size of master vm (default: Standard_D2s_v3)
--win-minion-count WIN_MINION_COUNT
Number of windows minions for the deployment.
(default: 2)
--win-minion-name-prefix WIN_MINION_NAME_PREFIX
Prefix for win minion vm names. (default: winvm)
--win-minion-size WIN_MINION_SIZE
Size of minion vm (default: Standard_D2s_v3)
--terraform-config TERRAFORM_CONFIG
--ssh-public-key-path SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH
--ssh-private-key-path SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
--ansibleRepo ANSIBLEREPO
Ansible Repository for ovn-ovs playbooks. (default:
--ansibleBranch ANSIBLEBRANCH
Ansible Repository branch for ovn-ovs playbooks.
(default: master)
--flannelMode FLANNELMODE
Option: overlay or host-gw (default: overlay)
--containerRuntime CONTAINERRUNTIME
Container runtime to set in ansible: docker /
containerd. (default: docker)
Number of retries Ansible adhoc command should do.
(default: 5)
Config file path. (default: None)
--up UP Deploy test cluster. (default: False)
--down DOWN Destroy cluster on finish. (default: False)
--build BUILD Build k8s binaries. Values: k8sbins, containerdbins,
sdnbins (default: None)
--test TEST Run tests. (default: False)
--admin-openrc ADMIN_OPENRC
Openrc file for OpenStack cluster (default: False)
--log-path LOG_PATH Path to place all artifacts (default: /tmp/civ2_logs)
--ci CI OVN-OVS, Flannel (default: None)
--cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME
Name of cluster. (default: None)
--k8s-repo K8S_REPO
--k8s-branch K8S_BRANCH
--containerd-repo CONTAINERD_REPO
--containerd-branch CONTAINERD_BRANCH
--sdn-repo SDN_REPO
--sdn-branch SDN_BRANCH
--hold HOLD Useful for debugging while running in containerd.
Sleeps the process after setting the env for testing
so user can manually exec from container. (default: