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Cameron edited this page Jan 28, 2017 · 1 revision

title: Front Page permalink: /Front_Page/

e107 » Admin Area » Settings » Front Page

From this screen you can choose what to display as the front page of your site, the default is news. You can also determine whether users are sent to a particular page after logging in.

The rules are searched in order, to find the first where the current user belongs to the class specified in the rule. That rule then determines the front (home) page and any specific post-login page. If no rule matches, news.php is set as the home page.

The user is sent to the specified "Post-login page" (if specified) immediately following a login.

Current Front Page Settings

The screen displays a list of current rules, including the default rule which is shown below

Order User Class Home Page Post-login page Edit
1 Everyone (public) News None Up Down Edit Delete

Click the Add new rule button to create new entries.

Adding and Editing Rules

Enter or select the information for your new front page rule.

Front Page - Add new rule

The left side of the Add New Rule screen allows you to choose an new front page option.

Choose an option for the front page

  • Home Page
  • News
  • Downloads
  • Welcome Message
  • Custom Page
  • Event Calendar
  • Other (enter url):
  • Other Page types will appear here if the plugin is activated.

On the right hand side, you can choose the after login page.

Post-login page (To disable, select "Other" with a blank URL).

  • News
  • Downloads
  • Welcome Message
  • Custom Page
  • Event Calendar
  • Other (enter url):
  • Again other plugins will be listed when active.

Next choose a User Class for the new rule.

Click Update Front Page Settings to apply the new settings.


*'*This document relates to the Front Page (User Home Page) handling to be released in E107 version 2.0. '


The 'Front Page' option on the main admin page allows two things to be set for each class of user:

  • The user 'Home Page' (or 'Front Page') - this is the page which is displayed if the user clicks on the 'Home' link (assuming its set to display index.php), accesses index.php, or accesses the site without specifiying a page name.
  • The user 'Post Login Page' - this is the page which is displayed immediately after a user has logged in. This allows the admin to force a user to view a particular page on each login, or may be helpful in other ways (for example, main admins might like to go straight to the main admin page after login). One option is to 'do nothing' on login, in which case the user will normally remain on the page where they were.

Using the Rules

The logic for this function uses the E107 user classes, and works in much the same way for both Home Page and Post Login Page.

A user may belong to a number of classes, so the admin has to enter an ordered list of rules. Each rule is applicable to one user class.

The list is searched, in order, for the first entry where the current user is a member of the user class specified in the rule. The page specified in that rule is then displayed.

If no matching rule is found:

  • for Home Page, 'news.php' is used
  • for Post Login Page, the current page is used

Specifying the Rules

The rules are entered through an option 'Front Page' on the main admin menu.

Initially a list of existing rules is displayed. Their order can be changed by clicking on the arrows. Rules may be deleted by clicking on the red cross, or edited by clicking on the 'Edit' icon.

To add a rule, click on the 'Add new rule' button. A new block is shown at the top of the screen, with the left half showing the options for 'Home Page' and the right half showing the options for 'Post Login Page'. The user class for the rule is selectable at the top.

Save the rule once done - it will be added at the top of the list, and can be moved as required using the arrow keys.

Category:User Guide Category:Admin Category:Settings Category:Front Page Category:WhatsNew

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