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identical aim other solution
example use:
c:\ dir >> logfile.log [standart use no cli output]
c:\ dir | wtee -a logfile.log [the directory will be apended in the logfile.log and on the screen]
c:\ dir > "c:\logs\log.txt"[standart use no output on screen]
c:\ dir | "c:\tools\wtee" "c:\logs\log.txt" [the directory will be once in the logfile.log and on the screen]
Comment by, Dec 3, 2013
Thanks for the useful utility. We've been ussing in it a batch file to catch&log the console output like this:
echo Executing scripts in SysStart?... call %~dp0\Tools\ExecuteAlphabetically?.cmd %~dp0\SysStart? | %~dp0\Tools\wtee -a %~dp0\SysStart?.log
but here's a slight problem with it, though. After ExecuteAlphabetically?.cmd has finished executing scripts from the directory SysStart? the console prompt never returns. Piping with wtee keeps the console open forever and it is not possible to write more commands in the same batch file to do something else afterwards.
\Tools\ExecuteAlphabetically?.cmd is as simple like this: ---start--- for /f %%x in ('dir /b /on %1.cmd') do call %1%%x ---end---
Would be nice if there was a way to signal to wtee.exe that it shoud terminate now (maybe through echoing a special sequience of escape characters to stdout or something) and do not keep waiting for input from that pipe forever, so the call returns and the file SysStart?.log and the console will be eventually closed. Thanks!
Comment by, Jan 2, 2014
"exit /b" in the batch file, and calling "test.bat | wtee.exe logfile.log" worked for me :) (@jackwrig)
#SPACES in filenames
Comment by, May 28, 2013
Unable to run wtee in a path with spaces and uable to output to log file with spaces. When added double quotes to both wtee path and log file path the cmd window flashes and the log file never gets any output. It does work of the bat file path is in double quotes. I.e. "C:\test spaces\test.bat" 2>&1 | "C:\test spaces\wtee.exe" "C:\test spaces\output.log"
Comment by, Mar 3, 2015
Original Comment, May 28, 2013 Unable to run wtee in a path with spaces and unable to output to log file with spaces
Created a folder C:\tmp\sarai lee
Created a file c:\tmp\sarai lee\currdate.cmd
The contents of the file is
@echo off date /T time /T
- Able to log output via
"c:\tmp\sarai lee\currdate.cmd" | wtee "c:\tmp\sarai lee\long name (with spaces) for logfile.log"
Daniel Adeniji