- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with pingfederate
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Packaging
- Service
- License Key
- Run.properties
- Administration
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- OGNL expressions
- SAML 2.0 SP Configuration
- SAML 2.0 Partner IdP Configuration
- OAuth JDBC configuration
- OAuth client manager
- OAuth server settings
- OAuth Access Token Managers
- OAuth OpenID Connect Policy Contracts
- Social Identity Adapters
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module installs and configures the PingFederate server using Puppet instead of the more typical interactive shell-script approach.
PingFederate is a big, complex package with lots of configuration. The intent of this Puppet module is to make it easier to automate installing and configuring the server, eliminating what are otheriwse a number of manual steps.
The module installs PingFederate and performs basic static configuration of the
server, that is, things that are changed prior to starting it up. These include the
and various configuration XML files, and installation of the license key.
More advanced administrative configuraton is also done to the point of being able to
build a completely configuration-as-code PingFederate instance that does real work.
If you have access to the RPMs (custom-built; not distributed by PingIdentity), this module will install them, if not, install it the usual way by downloading and unzipping; you can still use this module to manage the configuration.
This example will only work if you use Hiera to override the default parameters.
include pingfederate
Install PingFederate per the installation manual and disable RPM installation:
class {'pingfederate':
install_dir => '/usr/local/pingfederate-1',
package_ensure => false,
Using most of the defaults will just work to get the basic server installed and running. However, it will not do a heck of a lot. You'll need to set a number of the following parameters.
Path to installation directory of PingFederate server.
Default: '/opt/pingfederate'
Filesystem owner. Make sure this matches whatever the packaging system uses.
Default: 'pingfederate'
Filesystem group. Make sure this matches whatever the packaging system uses.
Default: 'pingfederate'
Name(s) of package(s) that contains the PingFederate server.
Default: 'pingfederate-server'
Ensure that the package is installed. Values are the same as those used by the
Package type
such as present (also called installed), absent, purged, held, latest or a
specfic version string.
Default: 'installed'
Ensure that the Java JRE package is installed.
Default: 'installed'
Name of the preferred Java JRE package under RHEL
Default: 'java-1.8.0-oracle'
Name of the preferred Java JRE package under CentOS
Default: jre1.8.0_111
(string) Service name. Default: 'pingfederate'
Ensure it is running. Values are the same as those used by the
service resource.
Default: true
(integer) Number of days to retain log files. Default: 30
(Array[map]) List of log4j RollingFile overrides. Map keys:
- name: name of the logger
- fileName: log file name.
- filePattern: pattern for the rotated log file name
Default: []
- name: FILE
fileName: 'server.log'
filePattern: 'server.log.%i'
- name: SamlTransaction
fileName: 'transaction.log'
filePattern: 'transaction.log.%i'
- name: SecurityAudit2File
fileName: 'audit.log
filePattern: 'audit.log.%i'
Hint: add extra keys to this map for your own purposes. For example, sumo: true
might be
used to flag this file for ingestion into sumologic (configured in your local profile module).
(Array[map]) List of log4j log level overrides. Map elements:
- name: name of the logger
- level: log level (
, etc.)
Default: []
- name: org.sourceid
level: DEBUG
- name: com.pingidentity.appserver.jetty
level: DEBUG
PingFederate is commercial licensed software and will not operate without a license key. Provide this either in your invocation of the module or, preferably, via Hiera.
Provide either a license file or the content as a multiline string.
(string) Content of the pflicense.lic file. Example:
$lic = @(LICENSE)
Organization=Columbia University
class {'pingfederate':
license_content => $lic,
(string) Path to the pflicense.lic file.
The following are used to configure run.properties
. See the
PingFederate documentation
for an explanation. The defaults are as distributed by PingIdentity.
(integer) Default: 9999
(string) No default.
(string) Default: ''
(string) Default: 'PingFederate'
(integer) Default: 30
(string) Default 'multiple'
(string) Default: 'native'
(string) Default: 'native'
(integer) Default: -1
(integer) Default: 9031
(integer) Default: -1
(string) Default: ''
(string) Default: ''
(boolean) Default: false
(boolean) Default: false
(string) Default: 'STANDALONE'
(integer) Default 0
(string) No default.
(boolean) Default: false
(string) Default: 'NON_LOOPBACK'
(integer) Default 7600
(integer) Default 7700
(string) Default: 'tcp'
(string) Default: ''
(integer) Default 7601
(array[string]) No default. Note that the cluster_bind_port
must be the same on the other hosts as this one.
(boolean) Default: false
(string) Default: ''
(integer) Default 7500
CORS needs to be enabled as otherwise Javascript Oauth clients will throw an XHR error when attempting XMLHttpRequest (XHR).
Allowed origins for CORS. Default *
Allowed HTTP methods for CORS. Default GET,OPTIONS,POST
Allowed URL filter mappings for CORS. Default /*
Enable OGNL scripting. Default true
(string) Initial administrator user. Default: 'Administrator'
(and seems to be required).
(string) Administrator user's password. The adm_pass
and adm_hash
must match. Default: 'p@Ssw0rd'
(string) Hash of administrator user's password. Must match the password. (I don't currently know how to generate this, so make sure to copy it when you change the password)
(string) Base URL of the pf-admin-api.
Default: "https://${facts['fqdn']}:${admin_https_port}/pf-admin-api/v1"
(string) Base URL for the various services. Set this to your load-balancer's URL.
Default: "https://${facts['fqdn']}:${https_port}"
These are the native SAML2 IdP settings used for native console_authentication and admin_api_authentication. The adm_user and adm_pass are used for HTTP Basic Auth.
SAML 2 EntityID for the native local IdP (that provides the adm_user authentication).
Default: "${facts['hostname']}-ping:urn:saml2"
SAML 1 issuerID for the native local IdP.
Default: ${facts['hostname']}-ping:urn:saml1
(string) Default: "${facts['hostname']}-ping:urn:wsfed"
(string) HTTP header identifying the IP address of the end-host when coming in via proxy.
You should set these if using a load-balancer, otherwise the source IP address logged will
be that of the load-balancer rather than the actual client.
Default: undefined. Example: X-Forwarded-For
(string) HTTP header identifying the name of the end-host when coming in via proxy.
Default: undefined. Example: X-Forwarded-Host
N.B. The current capability of this module is to configure PingFederate as an SP so as to federate a SAML 2.0 IdP for purposes of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
Currently only a single partner IdP can be configure by this module.
URL for the SAML2 IDP. For example: https://shibboleth.example.com
URL-portion for the POST method. Concatenated to the saml2_idp_url
. Default: idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO
URL-portion for the redirect. Concatenated to the saml2_idp_url
. Default: idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO
Entity ID for the SAML2 IDP. For example: urn:mace:incommon:example.com
or https://shibboleth.example.com/idp/shibboleth
(string) User-friendly name for the IdP. Displayed in the authentication selector screen.
Contact info for the IdP operator. Default: {'firstName' => '', 'lastName' => '', 'email' => ''}
List of allowed SAML2 IdP profiles. Default: ['SP_INITIATED_SSO']
How IdP gets mapped (RTFM). Default: 'ACCOUNT_MAPPING'
List of core attributes. Default: ['SAML_SUBJECT']
List of extended attributes. Default: []
List of attribute mappings with keys name, type, value. Default: []
- name: pingAffiliation
value: >-
#result = #this.get(\"urn:oid:\"),
#result = (#result? #result.toString() : \"\")
.replace(\"[\", \"[\\\"\")
.replace(\"]\", \"\\\"]\")
.replace(\",\", \"\\\",\\\"\")
.replace(\" \", \"\")
- name: subject
List of attribute mappings from SAML2 to Oauth with keys name, type, value. Default: []
- name: USER_KEY
- name: USER_NAME
(string) File path to IdP certificate. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
(string) String containing IdP certificate. Example:
pingfederate::saml2_idp_cert_content: |
(Array[map]) Mapping of OAuth attributes to fields in the access token(?). Example:
- name: username
value: USER_KEY
- name: group
value: group
- name: uid
value: USER_KEY
To enable use of an external JDBC data store, set oauth_jdbc_type to a value (see below).
If it is undef
then the default internal XML-based datastore will be used.
(string) Type of JDBC
OAuth Client Datastore
connector. One of undef
, mysql
. Default: undef
. If other
, you'll need to fill in the following as well.
Otherwise they default to expected values for the given oauth_jdbc_type but can still be used to override the defaults.
N.B. currently only fully implemented for mysql
JDBC database name (also found in oauth_jdbc_url
Default: 'pingfed'
JDBC user name.
Default: 'pingfed'
JDBC password.
Default: 'pingfed'
JDBC database host.
Default: localhost
JDBC database port.
Default: 3306
Name of the JDBC driver class.
Default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JDBC connector and command-line interface (CLI) pacakge(s).
Default: ['mysql','mysql-connector-java']
Ensure that the package is installed.
Default: 'installed'
Directory where the JDBC jar file can be found.
Default: /usr/share/java
Name of the jar file.
Default: mysql-connector-java.jar
Default: jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database>
JDBC validation test.
Default: SELECT 1 from dual
(string) Command to execute to create the database schema. Set based on the oauth_jdbc_type
(string) Command to execute to initialize the OAuth Client Manager database schema. Set based on the oauth_jdbc_type
(string) Command to execute to initialize the OAuth Access database schema. Set based on the oauth_jdbc_type
(string) Command to execute to initialize the Account Linking database schema. Set based on the oauth_jdbc_type
The OAuth client manager API is used to add OAuth clients to the PingFederate service. (This capability is required for MuleSoft AnyPoint API Manager functionality, for example.) You should override the user name and/or password when invoking the pingfederate class.
Oauth client manager user name. Default clientmgr
(If you need to have more than one client manager user, you'll need to enhance this module
to deal with that.)
Oauth client manager user password. Default ProviderP@55
Make sure the password you supply meets the minimum password requirements or you may see this:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: (422, '')
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: {
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "validationErrors": [
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: {
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "fieldPath": "configuration.tables[0].rows[0].fields[1].value",
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "message": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 numeric character, at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter, at least 2 alphabetic characters.",
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "errorId": "plugin_validation_error"
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: }
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: ],
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "message": "Validation error(s) occurred. Please review the error(s) and address accordingly.",
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: "resultId": "validation_error"
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Server_settings/Exec[pf-admin-api POST ${pcv}]/returns: }
(array of hashes) Allowable OAuth scopes. Each hash has the following keys:
- name: (string) scope name
- description: (string) descriptive text that is displayed to the user for authorization_code flow. Here's an example in a Hiera YAML file:
- name: read
description: Can read stuff
- name: write
description: Can write stuff
(array of hashes) Groupings of OAuth scopes. Each hash has the following keys:
- name: (string) scope group name
- description: (string) descriptive text that is displayed to the user for authorization_code flow.
- scopes: (array[string]) Names of scopes defined in
. Here's an example in a Hiera YAML file:
- name: readwrite
description: Can read and write stuff
- read
- write
Oauth server persistent grant contract core attributes. Default: ['USER_KEY','USER_NAME']
(array[string]) Oauth server persistent grant contract extended attributes.
(string) ID of the access token manager. No default.
(array[string]) List of core attributes. No default.
(array[string]) List of extended attributes. No default.
(string) The ID of the policy. No default.
(array of hashes) Mappings from token manager core attributes to OpenID Connect attributes. Each hash has the following keys:
- name: Name of the source
- type: type of the source: TOKEN or one of the other SourceTypeIdKey like TEXT, EXPRESSION and so on.
- value: Name of the attribute
[{name => 'sub', type => 'TOKEN', value =>'sub'}]
(array of hashes) Mappings from token manager core attributes to OpenID Connect attributes.
Default: []
. Here's an example:
oauth_oidc_policy_extd_map => [{'name' => 'group', 'type' => 'TOKEN', 'value' => 'group'}],
OAuth Authentication policy contract mappings. Default []
. Example:
oauth_authn_policy_map => [{'name' => 'USER_KEY', 'type' => 'AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_CONTRACT', 'value' => 'subject'},
{'name' => 'USER_NAME', 'type' => 'AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_CONTRACT', 'value' => 'subject'},
{'name' => 'group', 'type' => 'AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_CONTRACT', 'value' => 'affiliation'},
Set to true to enable the Facebook CIC adapter. Default: false
Name of package(s) that contains the Facebook adapter.
Default: 'pingfederate-facebook-adapter'
Ensure that the package is installed.
Default: 'installed'
(string) Facebook app ID.
(string) Facebook app secret.
Mapping of Facebook attributes to oauth token attributes.
Mapping of Facebook attributes to oauth token attributes.
*And likewise for the following (configuration of these adapters not yet implemented):
This has only been tested on EL 6 with Java 1.8. It might work elsewhere. Let me know!
Changes to certain configuration variables after an initial Puppet run do not properly get reflected in the PingFederate server state. The best way to resolve these is to wipe PingFederate off the system and re-run Puppet:
$ sudo service pingfederate stop
$ sudo yum -y erase pingfederate-server
$ sudo rm -rf /opt/pingfederate*
$ sudo puppet agent -t ...
Known issues include:
- Changing
does not properly remove references to the old URL. - Setting a social media adapter like
pingfederate::facebook_adapter: true
and then setting itfalse
fails to properly remove the adapter references. - A failed JDBC connection at initial configuration (e.g. database not running or no permission) will not get fixed later, even if the database access is fixed.
- If you set some
and then remove them, the last settings remain; original values are not restored.
The package was built to use PingFederate as an OAuth2 Server with SAML and social identity federation for the authorization code flow. PingFederate has many other features which are not yet configured here.
Please fork and submit PRs on github as you add fixes and features.
See this Augeas blog post
for a great introduction, Use the augtool
command to test Augeas parsing before wasting too much
time with using it with Puppet.
Of note, the Properties lens appears to be broken for Java Properties files like run.properties. At least that's been my experience with the (out-of-date) version of the augeas-libs on CentOS 6. I ended up using puppetlabs-inifile for that.
However, it appears to work well for XML files. Here's an example of looking at the admin-user password file which will help write the puppet augeas expression:
[vagrant@localhost opt]$ augtool -A
augtool> set /augeas/load/Xml/lens Xml.lns
augtool> set /augeas/load/Xml/incl /opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml
augtool> load
augtool> ls /files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/
#declaration/ = (none)
adm:administrative-users/ = (none)
augtool> print /files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/
/files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/#declaration/#attribute/version = "1.0"
/files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/#declaration/#attribute/encoding = "UTF-8"
/files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/adm:administrative-users/#attribute/multi-admin = "true"
/files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/adm:administrative-users/#attribute/xmlns:adm = "http://pingidentity.com/2006/01/admin-users"
augtool> ls /files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/adm:administrative-users/
#attribute/ = (none)
#text =
adm:user/ = (none)
augtool> ls /files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/adm:administrative-users/adm:user/
adm:active/ adm:description/ adm:user-name/ #text[14] #text[7]
adm:admin/ adm:email-address/ #text[1] #text[2] #text[8]
adm:admin-manager/ adm:hash/ #text[10] #text[3] #text[9]
adm:auditor/ adm:password-change-required/ #text[11] #text[4]
adm:crypto-manager/ adm:phone-number/ #text[12] #text[5]
adm:department/ adm:salt #text[13] #text[6]
augtool> ls /files/opt/pingfederate-8.2.2/pingfederate/server/default/data/pingfederate-admin-user.xml/adm:administrative-users/adm:user/adm:active/
#text = true
Here's the corresponding password file (with the hash hosed-up just a little):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<adm:administrative-users multi-admin="true" xmlns:adm="http://pingidentity.com/2006/01/admin-users">
<adm:phone-number xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>
<adm:email-address xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>
<adm:department xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>
<adm:description>Initial administrator user.</adm:description>
N.B. If the XML file is not pre-existing, the Augeas XML lens will not "pretty-print" the XML; it will all be run together with no indentation. Do not fear as this is still valid XML.
See these additional notes for more background on how to develop configuration puppet modules based on diffs of XML config files.
See the various templates and the pingfederate::server_settings class for examples of using ERB templates in conjunction with the concat module to assemble JSON files that include both parameterized templates and inclusion of file fragements containing IDs.
Some configuration is done via the PingFederate Administrative API. Unfortunately, some related configuration is done by editing XML files, using data returned from the API call. For example, the process for adding a mysql data store for oauth client management consists of:
Install the appropriate JDBC connector jar file in
. -
POST https://localhost:9999/pf-admin-api/v1/dataStores
with a JSON map to configure the JDBC connector. -
to enable the JDBC implementation. -
to include the JNDI-name that was returned by the POST.
pf-admin-api.erb is a templated Python script which invokes the REST API. The script is templated to embed the default name of "this" server's configuration file.
Input data for POSTs done by pf-admin-api are also templated. Installing the JSON file is the trigger to Execing the pf-admin-api script. The script waits for the server to come up so can be used as 'waiter' when the service has to be restarted, which unfortunately is necessary at multiple points in the configuration process (e.g. after adding a new JAR to the classpath, after editing some XML configuration files, and so on).
Usage: pf-admin-api [options] resource
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
Name of configuration file [default:
-m METHOD, --method=METHOD
[default: GET]
-j JSON, --json=JSON JSON file to POST
-i ID, --id=ID write resource id to file [default: none]
-r RESPONSE, --response=RESPONSE
write succesful JSON response to file [default: -]
--timeout=TIMEOUT Seconds before timeout [default: 10]
--retries=RETRIES Number of retries [default: 5]
--verify verify SSL/TLS server certificate [default: False]
Here's an example of GET of the server version:
$ sudo /opt/pingfederate/local/bin/pf-admin-api version
(200, 'OK')
"version": ""
This shows up in the Puppet log as:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Admin/Exec[pf-admin-api version]/returns: (200, 'OK')
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Admin/Exec[pf-admin-api version]/returns: "version": ""
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pingfederate::Admin/Exec[pf-admin-api version]/returns: executed successfully
And here's an idempotent POST. In this example, the POST had previously happened so it gets changed to a PUT
just in case there are some changed values in dataStores.json
. This presupposes that dataStores.json.out
is present since it contains the id that was assigned by the initial POST. (A future improvement might be
to GET the collection and find the right id.)
$ sudo /opt/pingfederate/local/bin/pf-admin-api -m POST -j /opt/pingfederate/local/etc/dataStores.json -r /opt/pingfederate/local/etc/dataStores.json.out dataStores
Resource exists. Changing POST to PUT.
(200, 'OK')
This is just an example of GET of the dataStores collection:
$ sudo /opt/pingfederate/local/bin/pf-admin-api dataStores
(200, 'OK')
"items": [
"userName": "sa",
"encryptedPassword": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoia2RDODV1YnZhRyIsInZlcnNpb24iOiI4LjIuMi4wIn0..9PlaJ2A0UNIA-j2_k_e3yA.KgxQfRAnMxxxAiFKUrf-2Q.6DtxtZP15T_0fjVozcxNRw",
"connectionUrl": "jdbc:hsqldb:${pf.server.data.dir}${/}hypersonic${/}ProvisionerDefaultDB;hsqldb.lock_file=false",
"allowMultiValueAttributes": false,
"driverClass": "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver",
"maskAttributeValues": false,
"type": "JDBC",
"id": "ProvisionerDS"
"userName": "pingfed",
"encryptedPassword": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoia2RDODV1YnZhRyIsInZlcnNpb24iOiI4LjIuMi4wIn0..wsr556B1qLMDo5s7g_3oTw.OPGaQh0bsC6zzzCQBicVvQ.HHqz9Ad7mswBRE3J1IEFyg",
"connectionUrl": "jdbc:mysql://localhost/pingfed?autoReconnect=true",
"allowMultiValueAttributes": true,
"driverClass": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"maskAttributeValues": false,
"type": "JDBC",
"id": "JDBC-282B7303FBE88768437753B22951A424E7F12068",
"validateConnectionSql": "SELECT 1 from dual"
And, if you want to use the script to use the admin API of a different PingFederate server, simply create a configuration file:
$ cat pf.json
"description": "configuration file for /opt/pingfederate/local/bin/pf-admin-api",
"baseURL": "https://oauth.example.com:9999/pf-admin-api/v1",
"user": "Administrator",
"pass": "password123"
$ /opt/pingfederate/local/bin/pf-admin-api -c pf.json version
(200, 'OK')
"version": ""
Note that the --id file is useful with the concat
module to concatenate IDs
into templated JSON or XML fragments.
This script edits the XML files in an Exec notified by the API call rather than having Puppet manage them. This is ugly but the only way to make it happen in one unit of work. (It's really the fault of the app for not having a clean set of APIs that do everything.) It's kinda ugly, using augeas three times:
- pulls the jndi-name out of the API result file created by pf-admin-api.
- Edits hivemodule.xml to switch from using built-in XML datastore to JDBC.
- Edits and org.sourceid.oauth20.domain.ClientManagerJdbcImpl.xml to stuff in the jndi-name.
There's also an oauth_jdbc_revert_augeas
script that reverts back to the built-in non-JDBC datastore.