coming soon ...
- Clone the repo locally
- Checkout a new branch:
git checkout -b arbitrary-branch-name
- Make your changes to
- Add and commit your changes
git commit -am "Description of your changes"
- Push your changes to a remote branch
git push -u origin arbitrary-branch-name
- Open the link in your terminal to open a new pull request with your changes in a browser
- Once status checks pass, press the green
Merge Pull Request
button in the pull request - If checks fail, click through the red X's to see what the errors were
After a push to any branch (including main
), an automatic trigger will run the following on any changes:
- Ensure the list is the correct format (below)
- Ensure there are no duplicates
- Capitalize all words and remove trailing/leading spaces
- Sort the list by score descending, and then alphabetically within a given score
- Run a quick test to make sure it's roughly the size expected (> 425,000 entries)
If the above checks fails, the action as a whole will fail and the changes can't be merged.
The dictionary is in the format below with no headers:
This script is run by the github action: ./script/
The code to run the github action is in .github/workflows