This repository contains all the code (and some additional files) from the Kubernetes in Action, 2nd Edition book.
The book hasn't been published yet, but is available through the Manning early-access program. You can take a quick look online or purchase the book at Use code au35luk to get a 35% discount.
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
kubectl get deployments
kubectl create deployment kiada --image=kiada:0.1
kubectl expose deployment kiada --type=LoadBalancer --port 8080
kubectl scale deployment kiada --replicas=3
kubectl get pods -o wide
The code archive is organized per chapter. You'll find a description of the files by following the links below.
1) Introducing Kubernetes (no code files)
3) Deploying your first application
4) Introducing Kubernetes API objects (no code files)
7) Attaching storage volumes to Pods
8) Persisting data in PersistentVolumes
9) Configuration via ConfigMaps, Secrets, and the Downward API
10) Organizing objects using Namespaces and Labels
11) Exposing Pods with Services
12) Exposing services with Ingress
13) Replicating Pods with ReplicaSets
14) Managing Pods with Deployments