How To Run Application:
- Add project to htdocs root folder.
- Run XAMPP Manager
- run the install.php file in /CourseBuilder/resources/install.php
- Open /CourseBuilder/public/index.php in browser
Course selection assistant which generates a schedule based on student input
Front-end design for course selection, timetable and admin page. JavaScript used for dynamic front-end features.
Database implementation, timetable generator algorithm and server-side communication
prerequists generator, registration, year-standing algorithm
Software Engineering (SE) was used to test the application
Mr. Kazi ([email protected])
###File Structure #####Course Builder / Main folder containing all of the files for the project #####public / Contains all of the CSS, HTML and JavaScript visible to the client (user) #####css
⋅⋅⋅admin.css: contains all of the styling for the administrator page
⋅⋅⋅checkbox.css: styling for the “On Pattern” button on the index page
⋅⋅⋅dropdown.css: styling for the programs and year dropdown on the index page
⋅⋅⋅main.css: styling for the header, footer and other components shared across all pages. Also contains the styling for the course selection table and time table.
⋅⋅⋅noJS.css: styling for the dropdown menu in case JavaScript is disabled. popup.css: styling for the pop-up menu when selecting an elective in the course table submit.css: styling for the submit button on the course selection page
⋅⋅⋅tableList.css: styling for the alternate tables in the sidebar on the timetable page
#####js / ⋅⋅⋅course.js: class that represents a single course on the selection table. Allows for deep customization such as adding functionality to each course. For example, the elective courses display a popup with all the courses related to that elective type. The data contained in the object can be converted into JSON format.
⋅⋅⋅homepage.js: contains all the functions only used on the index page such as creating the dropdown menu, the on pattern dropdown and generating the course selection table. Also adds listeners to each button including the submit. This file is also responsible for transmitting the courses selected to the server. (i.e. dbConnection.php file)
⋅⋅⋅table.js: class that represents the table that is displayed on the homepage. This class is responsible for properly formatting the table and creating all the course objects visible to the user. It can also translate the selected courses into JSON format or a comma separated string. Other methods include resetting selection as well as selecting entire terms.
⋅⋅⋅tableList.js: class that generates and populates the list of alternate timetables in the sidebar of the timetable page. Can dynamically add tables. Also responsible for updating the timetable when selecting an alternative.
⋅⋅⋅timetable.js: class that generates and populates the weekly timetable. Has the ability to dynamically add courses to the timetable.
⋅⋅⋅utilities.js: contains all methods that are shared among multiple pages. Methods include toggling classes, toggling DOM object visibility, as well as a general AJAX method which can make any type of AJAX requests with given parameters.
⋅⋅⋅about.php: generic about page. Contains information about CourseBuilder. admin.php: administrator login page. Asks for username and password and calls the
⋅⋅⋅adminlogin.php file to determine if the credentials are correct.
⋅⋅⋅error.php: friendly error page which displays information about what went wrong. All errors are directed to this page. help.php: generic help page. Contains information about how to user the application.
⋅⋅⋅index.php: home page containing the program selection dropdown, and course selection table. Allows the user to select courses and hit submit. This page calls the dbConnection.php file when the user presses the submit button.
⋅⋅⋅timetable.php: page that displays the generated timetables based on the user input from
#####resources /
...the index.php page. Contains all of the files that communicate with the server. Also contains files related to the database such as the schema and database connection. The page header and footer found on all pages are also located in this folder under templates.
#####data / Contains all the files required to setup the database. (all schema files)
#####include / constants.php: contains all constants shared among the php files such as database table and column names. database.php: contains all of the database communication. Connects to the Course Builder database and performs queries.
#####library / ⋅⋅⋅adminlogin.php: page only visible to administrators. Allows the admin to view and update input files.
...dbConnection.php: behaves like the bridge between the course selection view and the timetable view. When a user hits submit on the home page, it callsthis file which handles the processes necessary to generate the timetables.
...PreRequisite.class.php: contains the logic for determining if the user has the necessary prerequisites for taking a given course. timeTable.class.php: contains the algorithm which produces the timetables.
⋅⋅⋅utilities.php: contains general utility methods getting the current term and converting strings into arrays.
#####templates / ⋅⋅⋅footer.php: contains the HTML for generating the footers for each client page ⋅⋅⋅header.php: contains the HTML for generating the headers for each client page config.php: sets up the connection with the database and includes all the necessary files for displaying the page. Also defines the file path variables. ⋅⋅⋅install.php: used to create and populate the database for the first time. This only needs to run once and if successful, this App should function properly.
To determine the status of the student, the application grabs all of the courses that the student has taken and subtracts those courses from the prerequisite table in the database by means of a query. The results from the query are then ordered by year such that the first row in the query contains the year that the course must be taken.
1st Year Status: Admission to the program.
2nd Year Status: Successful completion of all Engineering, Science and Mathematics course requirements in the first year of the program, all English as a Second Language Requirements, and any additional requirements as determined in the admissions process.
3rd Year Status: Successful completion of 4.0 credits from the second year requirements of the program.
4th Year Status: Successful completion of all second year requirements and 3.5 credits from the third year requirements of the program.
To determine a students year standing we used the requirements set by the University ( ). On the first page the student chooses the classes that he/she has already taken. When they hit 'submit' the JS sends an array of classes that have been taken to the backend, this is how we can determine year standing. The getYearStanding() function in database.php parses the given class array to determine what their year-standing is. The function takes as one of the parameters, the program that the user is in. It then uses that to grab a list of required courses for that program and then seperates them into 3 arrays for first, second and third year. Getting the standing becomes pretty easy from there. If a user has not finished all 1st year classes then they have first year standing, if they have then they have second year standing. In order to see if a student is in 3rd year it makes sure they have taken all first year courses and at least 8 classes from second year. A similar method is used to check if they are fourth year.
From there the program needs to determine if a course can be taken based on the prerequists. In order to achieve this we parse the prerequists and use a boolean algebra formula. The algorithm parses based on the AND's and OR's. It compares theses values to a list of courses that the student has already taken. So for example if a prereq to a course looked like this ... (Sysc 1101 and Sysc 2004 and (Sysc 1005 or Comp 1001)).
the bracket would take precedence so the next step is seperate into an array
..... ['Sysc 1101 and Sysc 2004', 'sysc 1005 or comp 1001']
^ evaluate this expression (since the student HAS taken 1005 this is TRUE)
so it becomes .... ['Sysc 1101 and Sysc 2004', TRUE]
now split the other AND .... ['Sysc 1101', 'Sysc 2004', TRUE]
and evaluate those 2 so it becomes .... [TRUE, TRUE, TRUE]
and the student is able to take the class.
####Schedule Processing
In our solution, the server process identifies the courses that can be taken based on the completed courses and prerequisites. This was done because the server needs to query the database in order to determine which courses the program requires. We chose to do it on the server because it prevents any form of sql injection and does not allow the user to know anything about the database implementation. The conflict-free timetable was also done on the server side since it needs to make database queries.
Once a user has chosen the specific course schedual that they want they click the 'Register'. Once the that button is clicked the user accesses a Mutex lock to enter the registerForClasses() function. If the lock is already taken up than a message is displayed to "try to register again". Once the user has registered for classes the lock is released and other users can now register. registerForClasses() serves 2 purposes, it needs to check that all classes a user wants to register for are available(capacity > 0) and then it registers for those classes by decrementing the capacity by 1. If one of the classes that a student wants to take is full then a error message is returned. If a student cannot register for one of the classes than he will not be able to register for all other selected classes. They will need to remove the full class and try to register again.
We grab 3 tables from the Database (completed, opening, required) and assign them to arrays. Then we do a join on open and required to get all the classes that a student is able to take. From that Join we subtract all the classes that they have already taken. From this the top 5 classes are chosen and put into an array which is then passed to getATimetable(). All instances of a class that a student is able to take are put into this array. It then uses a recursive algorithm to determine all possible timetables a student is able to have for a given semester. A list of electives is generated after the initial table and the student can chose from ones that would fit.